Nick Gordon, who was held responsible for the death of his former girlfriend Bobbi Kristina Brown, was arrested in Florida on Saturday night over Domestic Violence and kidnapping charges. Gordon reportedly beat his current girlfriend, Laura Leal, in the face and elsewhere on her body. His live-in partner filed a complaint on Saturday afternoon and this has led him to jail.
According to the police report, Gordon was hitting Leal's face repeatedly. The incident happened on the Saturday morning. Leal was allegedly beaten on the back of the head and in her face. Leal further revealed that the beating incident happened when they had a heated argument after they went out on Friday night to watch the NBA finals game 4.
Beaten over jealousy
Leal revealed that their argument started when Gordon accused her of hooking up with another guy. Leal retaliated as she thought that her live-in partner was acting as if he was mad and their conflict lasted until Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile, Leal told the police that Gordon had no reason to be envious as her feelings for him are genuine and true.
However, despite her explanation, Gordon insisted that Leal really wanted to be with another man and is cheating on him.
During their argument, Leal tried to use her laptop to contact her sister via Facebook. However, she was surprised when Gordon took it away from her. Further, her live-in partner had also destroyed her mobile phone several weeks before, which left her with no means of communicating to the outside world.
Nick Gordon's mother helped Leal
During their fight, Leal ran to Nick Gordon's mother, Michell Gordon for help. When she saw the injuries on Leal's face, she directly helped by driving her to her sister's home. When they arrived, Carla Leal immediately took her sister to the Sanford Police Department to report what happened.
As they arrived at the police department, the police officers told Carla to take her sister to the emergency room. Later on, the police took an official statement from Leal and her sister and then they drove to Gordon's home and arrested him.
Gordon's mother was apparently not around when the police arrived to arrest him. The Daily Mail reported that "Gordon faces a domestic violence battery charge as well as a charge of kidnapping and false imprisonment of an adult." Meanwhile, Leal's whereabouts have been kept private; however, it is believed that she has been seeking treatment at the hospital and assisting the police in their investigation into the assault.