The finale of "Little Big Shots," hosted by Steve Harvey on NBC, aired last Wednesday night. A spinoff show, "Little Big Shots: Forever Young" will premiere in its place next Wednesday night, June 21, 2017. Harvey is also the host of the new show. The spinoff will not feature talented children. Instead, the guests will be talented older adults from 60 to 103 years old.
Shirley Caesar as a guest
Gospel singer Shirley Caesar is one of the guests on "Little Big Shots: Forever Young." She is expected to sing her song "Beans, Greens, Potatoes, Tomatoes," which has gone viral, along with a dance.
The song came about shortly before Thanksgiving last year when someone posted Caesar's song on YouTube. It received millions of views, and others began singing it and dancing to it. Chris Brown and Snoop Dogg remixed the videos and thousands danced to it across the nation.
After the video went viral, Caesar received a lot of attention for the rap song. However, she didn't like for people to be dancing in a sexual way or twerking to her song. She requested for the overly sexual videos to be taken down from YouTube.
The 78-year-old gospel singer will sing on "Little Big Shots: Forever Young" after she is interviewed by host Steve Harvey, one of her longtime friends. The gospel singer talked to the comedian about his cussing.
A little big shot has prayed for him to stay cussing and using ugly words. Harvey told her if he stopped cussing, the money would stop.
Other guests
Other older adults will join Shirley Caesar on the spinoff show. The senior version of "Little Big Shots" will focus on seniors who are young at heart. Like the kids' version, the elderly will chat briefly with Harvey before showcasing their talent.
Expect to see singing, dancing, and a lot of other performances.
Performances include a high wire act by 81-year-old world famous aerialist Carla Wallenda, who is part of the famous family of daredevils. When Carla was only six weeks old, she was part of a high-wire act when her mother held her in her arms and rode a bicycle across a high wire 40 feet above.
By the time Carla was 3, she was performing her own stunts.
Also, watch the premiere of the spinoff to see a 72-year-old former plumber who is now an opera singer. Enjoy seeing an 80-year-old tap dancer who was once on the "Lawrence Welk Show." There will be a surprise appearance by 95-year-old actress Betty White, who reminds Harvey that she was the one who helped him get his first big break.
Watch all the fun on "Little Big Shots: Forever Young" on Wednesday at 8 p.m. on NBC.