Michelle Rodriguez, one of the stars of the "Fast and the Furious" sequel, talks about plans of leaving her beloved film due to limited roles given to women. Rodriguez, who plays the role of Letty Ortiz, wife of vin diesel's Dominic Toretto, threatens of exiting from the movie series if the production continues to give limited roles to women like her.

On Tuesday, the actress took to Instagram, and she officially announced the digital release of "Fast and the Furious" eighth installment. She shared the news in order to give their fans a sigh of relief that the film is already in works.

On Instagram, she wrote, "F8 is out digitally today, I hope they decide to show some love to the women of the franchise on the next one."

Female action stars

Aside from Rodriguez, there were also other female personalities who had been part of the "Fast and the Furious" sequel. Among the female faces include Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Elsa Pataky, Nathalie Kelly, and Charlize Theron.

Apparently, it wasn't the first time for Rodriguez to talk about her frustration over the movie's male-heavy casting. To recall, she has been part of the movies since the film debut on 2001, and since then, she has been opened about her opinions with the roles which were given to their male counterparts.

Basically, heavy dialogues and scenes were given much to Dwayne Johnson, Tyrese Gibson, Vin Diesel, Chris Ludacris, and Kurt Russell and most of them have grossed over $5 billion throughout the world.

Limited dialogue

Amid her frustrations, Rodriguez also talked about the limited exposures which were given to women during the entire franchise. A report from Rollingstone shared that the actress talked about making numbers of movies together with Jordana. She revealed that she can barely count with her fingers the limited lines that she had with her during the movie.

In addition, Rodriguez believes that giving limited and weak roles for women on the film is a sign of lack of creativity. Hence, she calls out to the movie production to give more opportunity for female actress on the next sequel. In the "Fast and the Furious" series, Rodriguez has played an independent role together with the boys.

Her recent post on the social media drew a lot of comments from her followers. Further, it also drew great hints that she might be saying goodbye to her beloved film if the issue will never be addressed. She also shared that she had been rewriting all her lines during the run of the series. Hence, she further suggests having a woman who can clearly write a dialogue for a female role like hers.