Huge "Big Brother 19" spoilers from today (June 29) include a leak of more temptations for this season. The "BB19" cast was just revealed to CBS viewers on Wednesday night (June 28), showing fans who the original 16 houseguests would be this summer. There were also several twists that played out, with the first temptation presented to the cast and one houseguest falling prey to it.

The first houseguest was also evicted on Day 1.

Kevin Schlehuber pressed a button that granted him a $25,000 prize, but it also let former houseguest (from "Big Brother 18") Paul Abrahamian back in the game. Kevin also received an individual punishment, stating that he could not play in the first Head of Household Competition for the summer. That's a tough spot for a houseguest to be in on the first day. By the end of the first episode, Cameron Heard became the first evicted "BB19" cast member of the summer.

What are the other Temptation Twists this summer?

Regarding the huge "Big Brother 19" spoilers from Thursday, a lot of information was leaked online, possibly by people close to the production at CBS.

It included the Temptations Twists that could get revealed during the June 29 episode of the show. Every week, a houseguest will get voted into the Den of Temptation, forcing them to make a choice that can benefit their own game and potentially punish everyone else in the "BB19" house.

The first item in the Den of Temptation is the Pendant of Protection, which viewers were voting on in the first CBS poll of the summer. Online chatter indicates that fans are voting heavily for Paul Abrahamian, suggesting he is about to get a hefty advantage in the game. This will protect a houseguest from getting sent packing at the first three eviction ceremonies. Presumably, that does not count the one depicted on the season premiere.

The Ring of Replacement and Halting Hex

Among the other leaked "Big Brother 19" spoilers is information about the Ring of Replacement and Halting Hex that will appear this season. The Ring of Replacement will give a houseguest the power to play in any Veto Competition this summer. They can only use the power once, but it comes with the option to replace one of the players already battling for the Power of Veto.

With the Halting Hex, a houseguest will be able to cancel one of the next four evictions during the live show, basically turning it into a non-eviction night. They are warned that consequences could come with making that choice. It's an intriguing way to add excitement to the live episodes.

These new "Big Brother 19" spoilers have all of social media buzzing, as they could definitely shake up how the "BB19" cast plays out this 2017 season.