Squanchy squanch, lads and lasses of the ever magnifying fanbase of Rick and Morty! It is the implicit truth that any commercially successful and viral topic infects the internet, and the netizens accept the fame of a hot topic with much regard.Rick and Morty, to have assembled such a monstrously titanic fan following over such a brief timeframe as an animated network show is an accomplishment that deserves lauding. The millennials, especially, have taken a huge liking to the shows fine balance between pessimism, cynicism, and facing these odds with humor and a lot of science/logic...

Beside the very obvious and popular meme culture, the one other thing that has come forth as sort of an evolution to stationary images are GIF’s. These have proven to be far more entertaining as memes, and the internet has knocked itself out making enough Rick and Morty GIF’s to last us a hundred lifetimes. We have taken it upon ourselves to handpick the creme de la creme of relatable Rick and Morty GIF’s just for your chuckles...

Here’s what C-137 has to offer!

#1. This right here is quite literally all of us during the surprise premiere of Season 3. Must. Contain. Feels.

#2 This has got to be one of the many epic moments when Rick Sanchez drops a knowledge bomb.

Nights literally make up half of our lifetimes. Educate yourself, Beth.

#3. Jerry Smith congratulating Jerry Smith admiring Jerry Smith proud of Jerry Smith. Sometimes we feel Beth doesn’t deserve him at all.

#4 The moment when Adult Swim finally decides to give us the official air date for Season 3 Episode 2.


#5 This is most of us after a stressed out day when we’re done and just want to disappear, but are suddenly loaded with more responsibility.

#6. Lock and load.

Family always comes first. (Rick looks totally badass by the way)

#7 This is all of us when we finally finish our long procrastinated work the day it is due. Unparallelled, ecstatic relief.

#8 Our reaction when we endlessly wait for the new episode only to find out that the release has been pushed further. Sigh! We feel you, Mister Poopybutthole.

#9 Our standard reaction to anybody who is opinionated.

#10 This is all of us when our friend tells us we’re too drunk to drive.

Hold my drink, pal.

We hate endings. We’re sure you do too!

And to wrap it up, this is us when we’re having a good time enjoying Rick and Morty GIF’s when we suddenly realize we’ve forgotten to do our chores.