It seems the course is set for 20th Century Fox regarding the next chapter of their “X-Men” film series featuring the immortal Marvel superhero team. Their next movie featuring the group will take up from the events of 2016’s “X-Men: Apocalypse” and will focus on the iconic comic book story arc about the “Dark Phoenix Saga”. This storyline was touched upon rather briefly in 2006’s “X-Men: The Last Stand”, but a more faithful retelling appears to be on the works this time around.
It has already been reported that Michael Fassbender will reprise his role since 2011 (replacing Sir Ian McKellen) as the oft-antagonistic mutant Magneto. And now another name has been floated to return: Jennifer Lawrence as the shape-shifter Mystique.
Possible comeback
The new development for the tentatively titled “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” was dropped by Hutch Parker, who has served as producer in past films in the Fox “X-Men” franchise, namely “Apocalypse” and “Days of the Future Past”. It was an oblique confirmation of sorts that he gave when asked more about Michael Fassbender’s return to the series.
He referred to Jennifer Lawrence’s character as well saying, “I’d rather not confirm any of those officially, but yes, the current story that we’re working on has that group involved as well as some of the younger characters that we introduced last time.”
This is an interesting piece of news as Lawrence, who has gone on to other commitments, had at some points expressed reluctance to reprise her role as Mystique (taking over the character from Rebecca Romjin-Stamos). As of the end of “X-Men: Apocalypse” she became a leader (or at least trainer) of sorts for the X-Men team, the most prominent among them being Jean Grey (Sophie Turner aka Sansa Stark from “Game of Thrones”). Jean, of course, is the one who becomes the cosmically powered entity Phoenix, later Dark Phoenix, whom the film’s plot shall revolve around.
Other X-films
In addition to “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”, 20th Century Fox is also planning a new spin-off movie. But rather than another solo like Logan/Wolverine or Deadpool (itself up for a sequel), this one involves a team. To be precise, the other X-film in development is “New Mutants”, after the team of “junior” X-Men in the comics that at one point were taught by Magneto during one of his early heroic turns. What is unusual however that rumors state that while Michael Fassbender as Magneto will be in “Dark Phoenix”, he might not be in “New Mutants”. The latter movie is also looking to cast another “Game of Thrones” star in Maisie Williams, who played Arya Stark.
“X-Men: Dark Phoenix” starts filming in Montreal this summer, and it is possibly slated for release in November 2018.