Mark Sheppard, who has been part of "Supernatural" since its fifth season, made an official announcement that he won't be returning anymore to the upcoming Season 13 as a series regular. The actor took to a post in Instagram as he thanked all his fans and family for the support showed unto him. Sheppard wrote, "Time for something new."

Sheppard's character, a fan-favorite

During the "Supernatural" season 12 finale, Crowley, Sheppard's character, made a sacrifice in order to help the Winchesters in defeating Lucifer. Apparently, the season finale has tested his loyalty, and he was able to prove it.

When Sheppard first joined the series, he eventually became one of the fan favorite characters.

His character milestones went from being a King of the Crossroads to eventually being the King of Hell. Moreover, Crowley also went from being a Winchester enemy and into an ally. On a sad note, it looks as if Crowley may really be dead on the "Supernatural" series.

Meanwhile, the actor has made his final departure from the series through an Instagram post on Tuesday night. He ended the post by thanking the crew and his few storytellers for such an awesome ride. Nonetheless, considering the show's history for faking deaths, most of his fans still believe that Crowley's death doesn't totally mean death.

But maybe, it will stick for a little while.

Some characters to make return on season 13

In the season 12 finale, another character who faced death was Misha Collin's Castiel. However, it doesn't seems like she will be dead forever. There were some hints revealed that some of the series characters are still returning on the season 13.

Collins also wrote something on Twitter, "Cass has a future," which is a simple hint that her character will return.

Meanwhile, Jared Padalecki also made a confirmation that Collins will be back in some other way. Accidentally, Padalecki spilled some details during the recent convention that the actor has attended for his upcoming animated show.

Further, "Supernatural" season 13 is expected to return this fall. The series will still be aired on CW and is expected to be paired with another series, "Arrow." With all these recent updates about the popular series, one thing is for sure, "Supernatural" will no longer be the same without Sheppard's Crowley.

For the meantime, stay tuned and wait for some updates that CW might reveal before the series hits another season.