The season finale of the horror-fantasy TV series "Supernatural" will be aired in two separate episodes, namely, episodes 22 and 23. Both of these episodes will be seen on the CW network on May 18. Recently, the network released the official synopsis of both episodes, which shows that the Winchester Brothers are girded by their enemies.
Episode schedule
The 22nd episode will air starting at 8 PM on May 18. It is titled "Who We Are" and will show that the brothers Sam and Dean will be in a perilous situation. This episode will reveal how the main characters count on each other given the dangerous situation they are both in.
In addition, the 22nd episode will also see the end of the battle between the British and American Hunters.
Meanwhile, the 23rd episode of the horror-fantasy series will air starting 9 PM. In this episode, fans will see Lucifer fight to get control over his unborn spawn. The 23rd episode is titled "All Along the Watchtower."
What you need to know about season 12
According to the series' showrunners, the season 12 finale is going with a more traditional approach. This is the first-ever season that Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb assumed their position as showrunners of the series. Dabb was quoted saying that this season's finale will leave everyone in an intensely uncertain situation.
He added that they are very aware of the idea of engaging with a new world.
Aside from that, Dabb disclosed that the British Men of Letters, Ketch, and Lucifer will play a big part in the season finale.
Lady Toni will return in episode 22 of "Supernatural." It will also set the stage for the penultimate 23rd episode. It can be recalled that Lady Toni is the vessel that introduced the British Men of Letters.
In addition, she is one of the vital pieces that makes up the mythology of season 12.
Meanwhile, the 20th episode recently wrapped things up, revealing Mary's growing suspicion of Arthur Ketch. She is however seized before she can warn her sons. As revealed in the synopsis for the episode, Mary's sons will look for her. In the same episode, Mary and Toni will face-off.
Viewers will see Elizabeth Blackmore in her first guest appearance in 2017. Her presence in the series is predicted to be key in the Mary Winchester arc of the TV series. It appears that the final episode of the 12th season will lay the groundwork for more exciting episodes in the upcoming season.