"Shark Tank" is a popular show that premiered on ABC in 2009 where people pitch their inventions in hopes that one of the wealthy sharks will invest in their product or service. The six main sharks include mark cuban, Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John, and Kevin O’Leary.

ABC has announced that the series has been renewed for another season. Several guest sharks have agreed to be in the tank in Season 9.

When one of the regular sharks is absent, one of the guest sharks will be on the episode so five sharks will always be in the tank.

Regular sharks

Mark Cuban, 58, was a guest before becoming a regular in Season 3 in 2012. He is the owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks and the richest of the regular sharks with a net worth of $3.4 billion. Barbara Corcoran, 68, has been a shark since it started in 2009. Her net worth is $80 million. Lori Greiner, 47, is called the "Queen of QVC." Like Cuban, she began on "Shark Tank" as a guest in Season 3. Her net worth is $50 million.

Robert Herjavec, 54, is a businessman and investor with a net worth of $200 million.

Daymond John, 49, is best known for being the founder of the urban clothing brand FUBU. His net worth is $300 million. Kevin O’Leary, 62, also known as "Mr. Wonderful," has been on the series since the beginning. He is worth over $400 million.

Guest sharks

So far, five celebrities have agreed to be guest sharks. Alex Rodriguez is a former baseball player who retired from the New York Yankees last year. The 41-year-old athlete's net worth is about $252 million. Bethenny Frankel is a "Real Housewives of New York City" star and founder of Skinnygirl. The 46-year-old mogul is one of the top-earning reality stars. She is estimated to be worth $25 million, received from her many projects,

Richard Branson, 66, is the Virgin Group founder.

He is the richest of any of the sharks, including Mark Cuban. Branson's net worth is $5.2 billion. Rohan Oza, 44, is the founder of Glaceau and Bai Vitaminwater and Smartwater. Sara Blakely, 46, is Spanx founder and sole owner. She is also a minority owner of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team. Her net worth is $1 billion.

Whether regular or guest, all of the sharks will get the same opportunity to go head-to-head with each other to invest in something they think will be a good investment. Watch "Shark Tank" when it returns in the fall. Make a note that it will air on Sunday night instead of Friday night as in the past.