Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian seem like they are finally over, but it turns out Scott is not happy that she has a new Man. Radar Online shared that Scott actually threatened Kourtney's new man in a recent phone call. Kourtney has been spotted with model, Younis Bendjima, while Scott has been seen with seven different women recently. They are both moving on, but Scott might have a few problems with the idea of Kourtney being with someone other than him.

What did Scott Disick do?

It turns out that Scott Disick actually called Younis Bendjima on the phone and wasn't happy at all.

Last week, Kourtney was in France with him and even went to the Cannes Film Festival. Scott has been out with several other women since this happened. This isn't the first time that Scott and Kourtney have split, but it does look like they might be done for real this time.

A source close to the Kardashians shared that Scott Disick actually called Younis to get his revenge on Kourtney. The source said, "Scott called Younis and told him that if he sees him, he is going to 'kick his a**' for stealing Kourtney from him." The insider went on to say, "Younes obviously was bothered by this, but he is not going to back off. He says he's in love with Kourtney." It doesn't seem like there is any way that Scott is going to share him away.

Could Kourtney and Scott really be over?

Recently on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," Scott and Kourtney talked about how they wouldn't be getting back together even though they will always be in each other's lives. These two have gotten back together in the past, but it really does look like it might not happen this time.

They are moving on and without each other. You know Scott will continue to be on the show, though.

It was recently reported that Scott Disick isn't even allowed to see the kids until he gets his act together. Kourtney has never been okay with him drinking and partying. Now that Scott is back to his old ways, she doesn't want him around the kids at all.

They share three children together, but Kourtney doesn't want them to see their dad like this.

Are you shocked to hear that Scott Disick called up Kourtney Kardashian's new man and threatened him? Do you feel like Scott and Kourtney will ever get back together? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" on Sunday nights on TLC. The show is a bit behind so you won't be seeing any of this drama on the show right away.