The “Return to Amish” star, Jeremiah Raber, is currently wanting to save his marriage. He was recently arrested for domestic violence. After his arrest, he is seeking counseling for his violent and reckless behavior.
His wife, Carmela Raber, filed charges against her husband when he threw hot coffee on her. She also told the police he hit her daily. She was able to show local law enforcement officers several bruises on her arms and also on her legs where, according to Carmela, he had hit her with a closed fist. Carmela was even given an Order Of Protection against Jeremiah Raber.
The Raber's have only been married a short time. The couple honeymooned in Las Vegas. It is believed the abuse started shortly after they returned home.
Jeremiah's previous domestic violence charges
This was not Jeremiah Raber's first arrest for Domestic Violence. He was convicted of domestic violence when his first wife had him arrested several years ago. She was also given an order of protection against him. It is widely believed that because of his violent tendencies, Jeremiah is not able to see his children.
It is believed this is the first time Jeremiah has sought help for his violent behavior. It is possible he has already started some type of counseling or therapy. He wrote an apology to his wife, explaining what he did was wrong and how he wants to correct his behavior.
He appears to be truly sorry and more than willing to make his latest marriage work.
Will Carmela forgive Jeremiah and take him back?
At the time of publication, it was unknown if Carmela Raber was willing to let her husband back into her life. They are currently separated. She posted on Facebook about love and forgiveness, but later she deleted the post.
Jeremiah Raber has been a fan favorite since the first TLC Amish series, “Breaking Amish.” Despite that, his number of fans is dwindling. It is unknown if he will be able to recover from the bad publicity surrounding his latest arrest. Fans are willing to forgive almost anything. However, another domestic violence charge may prove to be more than they are willing to forgive.
We want to know what you think. Is it possible for a man with a violent past to change? Will Carmela forgive him? Better yet, will she take Jeremiah back? Do you think it is safe for Carmela to take her husband back? Is it ever safe for woman to take back a man who has been abusive towards her and other women he had been involved with? Please let us know what you think in the comment section below.