Hey, "Scandal" folks. Yep, it's truly time for our big finale episodes 15 and 16 of this current season 6, and a whole lot of drama is in store as Mellie's safety is apparently in a lot of jeopardy. So much, in fact, that Olivia has to take on a lot of risk to ensure it! Then we're also going to see Fitz, using his last moments of power to enact some very startling changes! According to ABC's press release spoilers for these episodes, they're going to air both of these back to back to make for a huge 2-hour, season 6 finale, so that should definitely satisfy your appetites for this show.
"Transfer Of Power"
They gave us the titles for these two episode. Number 15 is being called: "Tick Tock." And for number 16, we've got the name: "Transfer Of Power." That one sounds like we might finally see the new president elect ,officially take her throne. They began this big description with the whole Mellie storyline that goes down in episode 15. Apparently, she's going to get hit with a huge obstacle of some sort while on the road to finally getting officially inaugurated.
They made sure to put this part in all capital letters, so it seems like this could certainly be one of our main storylines for this one. The big questions, here, is what is this freaking, huge obstacle that's in her way?
And will she be able to get rid of it? We're going to have to tune in to get that intel, because they certainly didn't reveal it here.
Her inauguration
Here's what they did do, though. They did give us a little more intel about how Mellie's situation will play out, letting us know that the time for her inauguration will be swiftly approaching, which will ultimately cause her to become the first, official female President Of The United States, and that Olivia is going to be in major action, taking on, what they're describing to be, huge risks to make sure that no harm comes to Mellie.
Will Olivia successfully pull it off and keep Mellie safe? Or will some danger slip through the cracks? Those are the big, burning questions for this storyline. One thing we can definitely be sure of, is that we're going to get a mountain of dramatic scenes out of it. No doubt. This episode was directed by Salli Richardson-Whitfield, and they got the writing team of: Zahir McGhee & Michelle Lirtzman to deliver the script.
It's going to air in the usual 8pm central time slot on ABC.
Final days
Ok, that'll do it for the 15th episode teasers. Now, we've got a little teaser intel for the 16th episode. They're telling us that it's going to be the final days of Fitz's run of presidency, and that he'll certainly be quite busy doing all he can during it, making a couple of changes that will supposedly be very unexpected. What will these shocking plans be? And will they be able to stick? Those are the huge questions for this final episode. Hopefully, we'll get an answer for them, because they could decide to pull a cliffhanger number on us. You just never know. Episode 16 was written by both Matt Byrne & Mark Fish, and they hired Tony Goldwyn to come in and direct it.
Olivia in the dark
They also gave us this episode 15 photo (above), which features Olivia in a very, very dark setting. It'll be interesting to see what that's all about. It's also been confirmed that episode 16 will air on May 18th ,as well, right after episode 15 in that 9pm central time slot. Stay tuned.