The newly rebranded "MTV Movie & TV Awards" took place on Sunday night. The iconic show had its fair share of breakout moments, including hit performances, F-bombs on live camera, political jabs and more. For Shay Mitchell, the night was dazzling and at times hectic. The "Pretty Little Liars" star rocked daring looks that helped attract attention. However, amidst the razzmatazz, Shay faced immense pressure as the live stream carpet host. Los Angeles' wild weather wasn't doing her any favors as guests scrambled to find their seats at the event.
Running the show
The responsibility of keeping the show going rested squarely on the actress. The stressed out damsel battled the headwinds to keep things under control but somehow the teleprompter stalled. This signaled a breaking point for the stunning 30-year-old star. Something had to give and it came in the form of a crude F-bomb. The verbal slip was captured via live stream on the MTV website.
For a minute, Shay probably hoped that no one noticed. Obviously, it was too late because the news reached Twitter fairly quickly. Hannah Orenstein was quick of the mark by breaking the news to her legion of followers and the rest of the world as it happened.
The star apparently did not realize that the cameras were still capturing live images when she vented in frustration, "I just f**ked up that last teleprompter." Shay also accidentally repeated the best Movie of the Year segment twice thanks to the jitters.
Thankfully, the two dresses she wore on the night kept her stakes soaring despite the hiccups and the jaw-dropping F-bomb. She first sported a sequined tiger print number with dangerous, attention-grabbing cutouts.
Turning up the heat
Once she completed her role as live stream host, Shay changed into something more provocative.
The star rocked a sheer naked dress that left little to the imagination. The black number featured a plunging neck and lacy design that revealed the beauty's fabulous cleavage. The star also freed up the nipple for the "2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards" much to the delight of countless onlookers. The actress' black panties were visible through the flowing fabric.
In the end, Shay Mitchell can afford to look back at Sunday's events with a bit of nostalgia regardless of the live stream mishaps. The "Pretty Little Liars" star also played another key role at the event. She was a co-presenter with Yara Shahidi.