Jimmy Kimmel's opening monolog last Monday night was not funny. Instead, Kimmel expressed his deep emotion regarding the birth of his son a few weeks earlier. William John Kimmel, just weeks old, must face serious medical concerns. Apparently, the infant was not getting enough oxygen into his blood. Medical tests ruled out any defects with the baby's lungs. Unfortunately, this indicated a problem with the baby's heart.

Kimmel described in an emotional, heartfelt explanation during his late-night-talk-show.

A traumatic event

Kimmel went on to describe the trauma of the medical event. Stating that as soon as trouble was detected, the once joyful hospital room was inundated with physicians and machines. The intensity and worry of the medical staff caused Kimmel's worst fears to manifest. They were very concerned, he explained, yet the medical team appeared to be not sure as to what was wrong. "It's a terrifying thing," Kimmel told his audience, as his voice cracked under the strain of intense emotion.

He felt the physicians were both perplexed and knew something was wrong with his tiny helpless infant.

Kimmel's focus then turned toward his wife. She was still in the recovery room and had no idea what was happening with her baby boy.

A few days later, at the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, Kimmel's infant son endured open-heart surgery. The surgery lasted three hours. Kimmel stated, "[this] was the longest three hours of my life." Despite the somber nature of Kimmel's opening; Kimmel was still able to maintain his sense of humor. Kidding around, and after showing promising, before the Open Heart Surgery and after the surgery, pictures of his tiny infant taken inside the hospital. Kimmel joked, "Poor kid! Not only did he get a bad heart, but he also got my face."

No word from those charged with health care reform

There is no word from President Trump if he listened or feels moved by Kimmel's plea.

Nor have any other politicians weighed in regarding their impressions of how, if at all the late-night talk show host's ordeal will affect their decisions regarding healthcare reform.

In the end, Kimmel's heartfelt appeal on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves from an overwhelming bureaucratic health care system may, hopefully, be a slight crack in the dam. The dam that holds back the emotional complex flood waters standing in the way of quality health care reform. In any event, anyone watching Jimmy Kimmel last Monday has his and his family's warmest wishes in their heart.