'Into the Badlands' ended last week with Sunny being injured during the battle with the Abbotts. Sunny is suffering from an injury that also involves poisoning, and M.K. and Bajie are unable to awaken him. Unconscious, Sunny struggles with an alternate reality where his son is older, and he and Veil are back together.
Sunny is fighting for his life
In episode 4 of season 2, 'Into the Badlands' had its most spectacular fight scene to date. Although Sunny wasn't involved because it was a fight among the Barons at the Conclave, many of the best fight scenes so far have involved Sunny.
Now Sunny is fighting a different battle because this time it's internal. The punch he received to his chest by one of the Abbots contained poison. Sunny is now battling the poison that is trying to kill him as well as the delusions he is trapped in. During his period of unconsciousness, he sees Veil and his son Henry, and they are all living in a cabin together. In his mind, he is living his dream life.
As Sunny continues to struggle against the poison in his system, he starts to see the ghosts of the people he has killed. It looks like he may have to battle a few of them in order to escape and then survive. Bajie and M.K. race to get to the Abbotts so that they can get a cure for Sunny and save him.
After they reach the Abbotts, they find they must help. The Master is upset that Bajie has returned because he was her greatest student. M.K. and Bajie attempt to escape. In his alternate reality, Veil tells Sunny she is taking Henry away from the farm. As he seeks to dispel the ghosts he is seeing, he returns to the cabin to find Veil dead.
The ghost reveals that Henry is destined to become just like Sunny, and that will be his legacy. Sunny finally comes face to face with all his victims and must battle them all. Meanwhile, M.K. and Bajie find a way to save Sunny.
The Widow is on the warpath
Jade is taking a bath. She calls out to her servants to bring her hot water, and she is ignored.
Leaving the bath, she goes to the window and discovers that her barony is under attack by the Widow and Quinn. Although she tries to fight, most of her Clippers have been killed, and she is taken prisoner by Quinn and the Widow. She and Quinn verbally spar as Jade discovers she will have to surrender what is left of her barony. Will she have to return to Quinn and become his wife again? Has she really lost the barony? 'Into the Badlands' fans will have to wait and see. The show airs on Sunday nights at 10:00 p.m. on AMC.