Spoiler alerts from Daytime Confidential reveal that Damian Spinelli will soon return to Port Charles. Fan favorite Bradford Anderson will reprise his role as the supergeek computer hacker sometime later this year. There has been no word as to how long Spinelli will be in town.
Spinelli grew on the viewers
Bradford Anderson came on board "General Hospital" under recurring status. The fans loved him and he was placed on contract. His character Spinelli has left town and returned several times. Initially, Damian was in love with Maxie Jones, who started out as his very good friend.
Along the way, the BFF's fell in love, had a brief relationship and a daughter together, whom they named Georgie. Later Damian became involved with Ellie and she is still in his life now.
Maxie went through some serious trials, and a custody judge granted Spinelli full custody of their daughter. He and Ellie later moved to Portland with Georgie in tow. After a month probationary period, where she could have no contact with Georgie, Maxie was allowed visitation and travels to Portland to see her child. She has been off screen working in Portland since February. There has been no word, as to whether or not Damian's return will coincide with that of his co-star Kirsten Storms. She is supposed to be returning as Maxie and it would be nice if they came to Port Charles together.
Damian on the loose
When Damian Spinelli was first set loose on Port Charles, he was annoying. He spoke really fast, was really nerdy and was always bumping into things and causing chaos. Damian had nicknames for many of the people in the town. Jason Morgan was Stone Cold, Carly was the Valkyrie, and Jerry Jax was the unhinged one.
Sam was referred to as the goddess, and Kate Howard was the fashionista.
There were times when Spinelli would be telling a story, and he would be talking at warp speed. He would also refer to the citizens of Port Charles by their nicknames. Sonny would look at Jason and ask "What's he talking about?" As Damian rambled on, Sonny would yell, "Get him out of here."
This quirky computer genius quickly grew on the viewers of "General Hospital," and is now a fan favorite.
Perhaps Spinelli and Maxie will come back to town during May sweeps and the Nurses Ball. He might even play a role in solving the Chimera mystery that currently involves a number of his friends Whether his time on screen is short or long, Bradford Anderson will be welcomed with open arms by viewers as well as the cast.