"The Walking Dead" Season 7 finale aired Sunday night and left fans with an old familiar feeling, wanting more. After a rather lackluster season 7 the last couple of episodes finally began to pick up steam, making #Walking Dead fans remember just what it is that they have loved about the show all these years.
'Walking Dead' character death shocks fans
Spoilers for season 7 ahead, so if you have yet to watch the finale it may be a good time to warn you to turn back now. As with season finales of the "Walking Dead" past, we were also left with the heartbreak of loss.
Last night fans were forced to say goodbye to Sasha. However, the way Sasha went out was truly heroic and just as fans would have expected her to go...fighting for the good of her fellow apocalypse family members.
Things take a bad turn fast for Rick as the group is betrayed
The fact that Sasha sacrificed herself by taking the poison pill Eugene made was a perfect ending for her, it is just a shame that her plan to take Negan out did not pan out as well. But, if it had, Season 8 of the "Walking Dead's storyline would be rather different.
Now let's talk Carl Grimes taking the initiative to fire off that first shot when Rick's original plan fell through. Do we give Carl props for stepping up, or was it a stupid and dangerous move to make?
After all, it did almost get him Lucilled.
Now fans will wait the good long wait until October finally rolls around once again to see if Scott Gimple makes good on his promise for an even bigger Season 8 as the communities go to war.
One thing fans are also looking forward to in Season 8 is Rick and the group seeking out vengeance against the Garbage Community of the Scavengers, who betrayed them.
It should be an interesting season as we watch Negan fight to the death to protect what he has worked to build.
There is so much excitement to look forward to in the upcoming season 8 of "TWD," hopefully the show runners will keep their promise and make the slow torture of sitting through most of season 7 worthwhile. Check back for more "Walking Dead" Season 8 spoilers along the way. What are your thoughts on the Season 7 finale?