Prince Harry recently gave an interview for the British Daily Telegraph where he opened up about his emotional state after the loss of his mother. Harry said that he suppressed feelings for about fifteen years, which eventually resulted in him being in such a bad mental state that he had to seek professional help. Only a day after that interview, his brother Prince William had a live video chat with Lady Gaga where they talked about mental health.
Lady Gaga supports the 'Heads Together' campaign
Duke of Cambridge is a part of the "Heads Together" campaign. The main goal of the campaign is to help sick people change public attitude towards the mental illness. They work in cooperation with other eight associations related to the matter. Prince William decided to have an open conversation about the cause with a popular singer Lady Gaga. The reason he chose her for this was the letter Gaga published last year in which she talked about her years of depression, anxiety, and apathy.
Lady Gaga said that this is very important for her because she was one of the people struggling with mental illness.
She used to wake up in the morning feeling so tired and sad, and sometimes she even went on stage feeling like that. Her mental state was so bad that she just couldn’t convince herself to look at the bright side of life and thank God for everything she has. That is why Gaga feels it is very important that people who struggle with mental illness are not being judged for that is a disease just like any other. She added changing her mental life changed her life and she is willing to fight for the Heads Together cause.
Prince William and his wife want their children to talk freely about their feelings
Prince William pointed out that everyone has mental health issues and we shouldn’t be ashamed of that.
His wife Kate agrees that they should raise their children in a way that they feel free to talk about everything. They want their children to be able to talk about their feelings. The couple visited several schools in the past year and they used the opportunity to talk to children. The children were so free and capable of expressing and talking about their feelings, which is something adults are not capable of. William said it gave him hope that the new generations are changing and that in future people will be freer to talk about their emotions.
In the end of the conversation, Prince and Lady Gaga agreed to arrange a meeting to talk more about the topic. Gaga will be visiting the UK in October, and that is when the two will probably meet.
It is important to add that next Tuesday is the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana. At the ceremony, Prince William and Prince Harry are going to give awards to people who set an example for others with their kindness and compassion.