Recently, The CW delivered up a very revealing, new promo/spoiler clip (below) for their upcoming "Riverdale" episode 11 of the current season 1, and man does things get quite intense in it. We've got scenes with Jughead, getting really pissed off and even crying at one point! Betty is spotted, really giving Alice a piece of her freaking mind again! And Cheryl is spotted, totally going off on Polly at point, telling her that the babies aren't going to keep her safe and what not! As previously reported, episode 11 has been given the title: "Chapter Eleven: To Riverdale and Back Again."

She's snooping around

The new clip, starts out, giving us a scene with Polly and Betty in action.

Apparently, Polly is snooping around, looking for something. Betty is seen on the phone with her, asking her if she's found something. Polly replied by telling her that she hasn't found anything yet, but they're definitely hiding things. Next, they show us a scene that features Veronica and Archie in action. She's seen telling him that Jughead could get dragged into something that's very ,very messy. After that, we see a scene with Jughead. He is very angry, because apparently, everyone's been lying to him.

Jughead is very distraught

Next, we get a series of scenes that feature Jughead looking very distraught. Archie and Veronica are spotted, doing another one of their intense kissing scenes.

And in the background, we hear Archie's mother, Mary (played by movie legend Molly Ringwald), telling him that she doesn't think this town is safe anymore, and that she wants him to move to freaking Chicago with her! Next, we get another one of those super intense Betty and Alice scenes. You know, the ones where Betty decides she's really going to test her rebellious limits with her?

Yep, that's the one. She's spotted, telling Alice: "do not push me to my limits, because I will push back! Oh, my, my my. Betty appears to be getting even more ruthless. I'm definitely going to enjoy watching that scene.

No safety guarantee

And just when you think things couldn't get even more intense, they hit us with a final scene that features Cheryl in action with Polly.

Cheryl is very heated with her, and in seen telling her that if she thinks those babies guarantee her safety, she's in for a rude awakening! Wow! She also grabs her by the wrist when she says it.

What's going to lead up to that intense moment? How will Polly react to that extreme amount of intensity? Unfortunately, this clip cuts out before we get the reaction or aftermath. However, we do expect the CW to release, at least, two more sneak peek clips before episode 11 hits the airwaves on Thursday night, April 27th. That's right. As we previously reported, they're skipping over April 20th, so there won't be a new episode this Thursday night. We're not sure why. Just make sure to make note of that.