Hey, "Once Upon A Time" fans. ABC recently delivered up a short teaser synopsis and preview/spoiler clip for the upcoming episode 18 of the current season 6. The clip looks highly intense and intriguing as we'll be seeing Zelena and the evil Black Fairy sorceress go at it in a couple of face-offs. Regina, Snow, David, Emma and more are also spotted, trying to come up with a plan to stop the dark sorceress, and more!
It's "Where Bluebirds Fly"
We also got this little teaser synopsis, which tells us that destroying this sorceress will end up, requiring an extreme sacrifice.
They also let us know that episode 18 is labeled: "Where Bluebirds Fly."
Not Afraid
The new clip, starts off, giving us a new scene with the Black Fairy and Zelena in action. The Black Fairy is spotted, telling her: "I heard you were wicked." Zelena responds with: "I'm not afraid of you," so it looks like some sort of confrontation, especially since the Black Fairy fires back with: "Oh, but you should be." That looks like it'll be a very interesting scene to watch as there will be some major drama to result from it.
Most powerful evil
Next, they gave us a scene that features Mary aka Snow White, David aka Charming, Regina and more of Zelena in action, talking about the BF's plans for the final battle, and Regina revealed that she will need help in pulling it off.
Their main goal will be to destroy the Black Fairy sorceress. Regina is spotted, telling Zelena that she's the most powerful evil they've ever faced! We get a very emotional scene that features Zelena, telling Regina that this is about stopping the woman that threatened her baby.
Not today
After that, we're shown the final scenes, which features another huge confrontation between Zelena and the evil sorceress.
It gets real intense too, as Zelena tells her: "I came down here to do one thing, kill you!" The sorceress is quite confident in thinking that won't happen as she replies with: "Not Today." Then the clip caps off with rocks starting to fall and everyone scrambling for their lives!
How will this madness end up, playing out? Will Zelena be able to stop the evil sorceress?
Or will she just be too powerful to overcome? Those are but a few, very important questions for this episode. We are expecting to see, at least, one or two other sneak peek clips for this episode later this week, which could give us some extra intel, so be sure to look out for those. As previously reported, episode 18 is scheduled to air this Sunday night, April 23rd,2017 at 7pm central time on ABC. Stay tuned.