Caitlyn Jenner has been through a lot over the last few years after transitioning and dealing with how everyone would react to it. Now she is speaking out about what her son Brandon Jenner had to say that made her cry. It has been a rough road for Caitlyn, but of course, some great things have happened as well.
Brandon Jenner's reaction that put Caitlyn in tears
Before the big Vanity Fair cover, Caitlyn Jenner had to tell all of her children about what was going on. They did not expect this big change. She actually talked to all of the kids one at a time to tell them what was going on with her.
Kim Kardashian did know some about what was going on already.
Brandon Jenner was actually one of the first kids that Caitlyn went to and explained what was going on. She sat down with his wife Leah as well, and she shared that Brandon is very open minded. His response was great, and it brought tears to Caitlyn's eyes. She shared saying, "At the end, good old Brandon goes, ‘You know, Dad, I’ve always been really proud to be your son … and proud of everything you’ve done in your life. But I’ve never been more proud of you than I am right now.'" Brandon took the news about Caitlyn really well and that was great for her.
Caitlyn shared that this helped make it easier to talk to the rest of the family because it set a really good tone for things.
Brandon Jenner really made things easier on his dad with this big change in his life. Caitlyn is very grateful for the way that he reacted. She didn't share how everyone else reacted to the news about the big change.
The big interview Tonight with Caitlyn Jenner is happening about two years after she made her big transition.
She is now promoting her new memoir, "The Secrets of My Life." She isn't holding back even though at first she had to hide a bit because it was all overwhelming with the paparazzi. One thing that Caitlyn Jenner already shared is that she doesn't miss Bruce at all and has no regrets about doing this at all. She is really happy about the way that things have worked out.
This interview tonight will be one of the first times Caitlyn has talked about a lot of things from her past.
Are you surprised by the way that Brandon Jenner handled the news from Caitlyn Jenner? Do you think that he handled it well? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts. You will also don't want to miss seeing Caitlyn Jenner tonight on a new interview with Diane Sawyer. It will air on Friday, April 21 on "20/20."