Hey, "Walking Dead" peeps. We got a couple of new spoiler teasers in from AMC for the upcoming episode 15 of this current season 7. They sound extremely intriguing ,too, as we'll be seeing the Alexandrians try to go off to a distant community. Then they tell us that somebody is going to have to make a decision that's going to end up, breaking some hearts, and more.
It's "Something They Need"
They also delivered up a title for this episode. It turns out that they wanted to call it: "Something They Need." In their official teaser description, they let us know that we're going to see a new, distant community come into play at some point, because we're going to see a group of the Alexandrians, make their way to this place.
They didn't provide any further details about this new place. They kept things very vague as usual. So, the big questions for this situation, is: what in the hell is this new community that's about to show up? Will they be dangerous or friendly?
Which Alexandria group members are going to make this journey? One thing's for sure, it should definitely provide a new level of intrigue. Hopefully, the new round of spoiler clips that are expected to release after episode 14 airs tonight, will feature some extra details about this particular situation. We'll see.
A tough decision
Next, we've got this second and last teaser that mentions, we're going to see another devastating and sad moment go down as they tell us that one of the group members will be forced to make a very heartbreaking decision at some point. What will this heartbreaking decision entail? Are we about to see somebody else meet they're maker? Which group member will have to make this awful choice?
These are a few, very important questions for this scenario. Hopefully, we'll see the entire scene play out in this episode.
Alright, guys. That's all we've got for this episode at the moment. Again, though, we should see some more intel from the spoiler clips that are expected to release later on, tonight. We'll definitely get them posted to this site, so be sure to check back for those. We can also confirm that episode 15 is, indeed, scheduled to hit the airwaves next Sunday night, March 26th,2017 at 8pm central time on AMC. Stay tuned.