Hey, "Walking Dead" peeps. We got some real good spoiler intel for the upcoming episode 14 of season 7 this week, straight from AMC. They gave us two, very interesting storylines that sound like they're going to end with some more violence and murder. Apparently, there's going to be an unexpected visit by the Saviors at some point, and they're going to be looking to take more than just the supplies this time?
It's "The Other Side"
It's also revealed that they're calling this episode: "The Other Side." In their official synopsis description, we learn that we're going to see everyone that's currently residing at the Hilltop, get paid a very unwanted and unexpected visit from the evil Saviors at some point.
What will be the reason for this startling visit? How will the Hilltop folks react? Unfortunately, the synopsis didn't give any of that information out, keeping things pretty vague for the most part. So, those will definitely be some big questions for this situation, and this scene is, most certainly, going to give us a lot of drama to look forward to.
They want something else this time
Next, in this second part of the storyline, we learn that the Saviors won't just be making this surprise visit to get some extra supplies. Oh, no, no, no. We're, apparently, going to see something extra, take place as they vaguely tell us that they'll be making this visit with clear plans of taking more than just supplies.
Oh, the possibilities are so endless with a description like that. The first thing I think of, is they're going to be taking some more lives. They're crazy as hell and the season is winding down. We need to get to a big fight already. But yeah. That's the big questions here. What else are the Saviors looking to take? Will this result in a huge stand-off?
Currently, we don't have that intel, but we're expecting AMC to drop some huge spoiler clips later on, tonight, after they get done airing the big episode 13. They may or may not shine a little more light on this crazy plotline. We'll definitely be getting those posted to this site, so be on the lookout for those. Also, we can official confirm that episode 14 is scheduled to air next Sunday night, March 19th,2017 at 8pm central time on AMC. Stay tuned.