On Friday, Criss Angel was rushed to the hospital after a stunt during his Mindfreak Live! Show at the Las Vegas Luxor went wrong. According to his staff and audience, Criss Angel was performing a dangerous stunt when he suddenly stopped moving. As soon as his team determined he was unconscious and no longer functioning, Angel was immediately rushed to the hospital.
The dangerous stunt
At the time the incident occurred, Criss was performing his double straightjacket stunt. Given that he has performed this feat many times, it is unlikely the stunt itself is what caused him to collapse.
Many the members from his audience – as well as his staff – have all commented on how shocked and concerned they were as they watched the Illusionist collapse on stage.
Typically, Angel’s Mindfreak Show is 90 minutes of Criss performing all of his best illusions. Last night's performance, however, was cut short because of his collapse. After collapsing, he was rushed to the Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center nearby. After spending a few hours at the hospital, Angel was released.
Specifics were not given
Representatives of Criss Angel ignored to give specifics regarding what happened to cause the illusionist to stop moving on stage. His reps simply released a statement that he did collapse, was taken to a nearby hospital, was treated, and was released.
His reps did confirm that Criss would be returning to perform on Saturday given that his scheduled tests do not determine anything that would prevent him from performing.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation
Criss and his son Christopher were supposed to make an appearance at the Make-A-Wish fundraiser taking place in Southern Nevada on Saturday morning.
Because of the collapse, Criss was unable to make it. According to reps of Criss, he did make a $100,000 donation in place of his absence for the event.
Refunds were issued
While there is no denying Angels’ fans were concerned for his well-being – they were also concerned for their wallets. The show had only lasted roughly 10 minutes before he collapsed on the stage.
This caused a number of those who were in the audience to complain about wanting their money back. After receiving several complaints, Luxor did make the decision to give a refund to everyone who had purchased a ticket to the show. There were also several fans of Angel slamming those who complained about wanting their money back as they believed the concern should be exclusive with his health and not with their wallets.