Kylie Jenner's new photos are sparking backlash on social media. The young reality star stirred up controversy when she posted a series of black-and-white photos of herself topless and smoking on Instagram on Wednesday, March 1. The photos show her lying down and wearing nothing much else as she's seen smoking what looks like a joint. This new crop of photos was taken by her friend and photographer Sasha Samsonova, who was also the woman behind her steamy and intimate video with her boyfriend, Tyga.

While Kylie surely looked beautiful in the new photos, fans weren't happy to see her glamorizing smoking and drugs.

Young reality star glamorizes smoking in new photos

Sasha Samsonova has been her go-to photographer for years. The only other photographer she has worked with was controversial photographer Terry Richardson for her scandalous 2017 calendar. In an interview with W magazine, Samsonova admitted that Jenner does not smoke cigarettes on a regular basis. She only looks like she's a pro at it because she regularly does it for her photo shoots.

The "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star very rarely shares photos of herself smoking on social media.

That didn't stop her when she decided to post some mysterious pictures of herself smoking on a bed. Kylie Jenner's fans flocked to her Instagram page to tell her that she should be setting a better example for her young fans. Most fans assumed that she was smoking a cigarette in the photos and said told her that she should quit the nasty habit. Meanwhile, others were wondering if she was really smoking or if it's for aesthetic purposes.

Kylie Jenner becomes the subject of drug rumors

This is the second time this week that her fans have slammed Kylie Jenner. They were shocked to see how much she changed in just three years. She became the subject of a new meme that suggests that she got her curves from her family's money.

The meme shows a side-by-side photo of her wearing a bikini at 16 and later at 19. The meme has been shared over thousands of times on social media after Kylie shared a photo of herself posing in a black bikini and showing off her ample curves.

The entrepreneur has been the subject of drug rumors for years. Last year, she immediately removed a series of photos from Instagram that showed her rocking a bodysuit and blowing smoke out of her mouth. In May 2015, Kylie Jenner posted a video of herself on Snapchat that showed her smoking a vape pen. Later that summer, in July, she denied the rumors that there was cocaine at her high school graduation.