A few weeks ago, viewers saw the death of one of the most lovable characters in the television landscape in the last couple of years. Michael Cordero Jr., played by the equally lovable Brett Dier, breathed his last breath in "Jane the Virgin," and all over the world, hearts collectively shattered into pieces. #teamMichael was no more.

For what seemed like the longest time, "Jane the Virgin" banked on the love triangle between Jane, her baby daddy Rafael, and her first true love, Michael.

Fans of the show were divided between teams, taking to social media to express their thoughts of who was truly worthy of Jane's love. Of course, teamMichael won her hand in the end, as the two married in the finale of season 2, but left with a heartbreaking cliffhanger when crime lord Sin Rostro A.K.A. shot Michael.

The short-lived shooting fake-out and practice death

When "Jane the Virgin" season 3 debuted in October, the fandom breathed a collective sigh of relief when Michael pulled through and survived his shooting. But the relief was 10-episode-short-lived, as in a shocking twist, the writers decided to cut his life short after complications from his gun shot wound caught up with him.

While most viewers wished it was just another tease just like the season 3 finale, it wasn't. "Jane the Virgin" stars quickly took to their social media accounts to bid their goodbyes to Dier, and that's when fans found out that the death was indeed final.

But how do you move on from such a horrific and unjustified death? Here we have five tracks that will help you move on from Michael-gate.

Your #teamMichael go-to playlist

1. "Surrender" by Natalie Taylor: This was the perfect backdrop to the scene in which Jane made the decision to choose Michael over Rafael and the pair kissed under some faux-snow.

2. "Find My Way Back" by Eric Arjes: This song made its TV debut on MTV's "Teen Wolf," but resonates with Michael's death as well.

3. "Never Gonna Love Again" by Lykke Li: This original track by Swedish singer and songwriter Lykke Li has peaked at number 11 in the Billboard Hot 100 charts, and showcases the dark, brooding side of love.

4. "Pictures" by Benjamin Francis Leftwich: The most important lines in this song are "If you're afraid, don't be, I have the whole thing planned. We'll start in the ocean baby, and when we find the land, we'll be thankful to all of our friends, that they didn't leave us, as we got to the land."

5. "First Defeat" by Noah Gundersen: You can easily imagine this being played during a montage of Jane and Michael's journey, leading up to his funeral.

"Jane the Virgin" is taking a quick break and is set to come back with more episodes on March 20. In the meantime, check out that playlist above and let us know in the comments what you think will happen next on The CW's "Jane the Virgin."