On May 25, world renowned magician Criss Angel opened his newest magical production, "Mindfreak Live!" at the Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. This production replaced his previous show "Believe," which ran for seven years at the Luxor Hotel."Believe" ended its run on April 17, after 3,000 performances, where Angel was able to entertain more than four million guests.
Mindfreak Live! at the Luxor
This magic spectacle is based on his highly successful touring version of "Mindfreak!" which he has performed throughout the country, including a few shows in his native Long Island at The Paramount in Huntington.
His new show will feature some of the world's most talented specialty artists, with state-of-the-art animated LED lighting, laser explosions, LED virtual worlds, immersive effects, pyrotechnics, live musicians, and a DJ. He has been sharing clips of this new production with his fans on his Facebook page, which will include a dove act and a fencing scene.
Criss Angel: A tour de force in magic
Angel has been on top of the world of magic for well over a decade. He is best known for his critically-acclaimed "Mindfreak" television show on the A&E network, which is one of the most successful magic television series of all-time. Angel has also written best-selling books and recorded music albums, thus adding to his appeal as a multi-faceted entertainer.
He is the most-watched magician in Internet history, making him a true YouTube sensation. From a social media standpoint, he has more fans and followers than any other illusionist.
'The Supernaturalists': Angel's other production
Aside from "Mindfreak Live!" Angel serves as executive producer, creator, and director of "The Supernaturalists," an ensemble magic production, with nine other talented magicians which include mentalist Banachek, female magician Chloe Crawford, escape artist Spencer Horsman, master manipulator Stefan, illusionist Landon Swank, comic sidekicksFifi and The Great Maestro, and close-up magician Adrian Vegas, among others.