Last week on "Nashville," Rayna James died after a car accident shocking the fans. Connie Britton had said things that made everyone think she was sticking around, but then it was revealed that was not the case. Now Huffington Post is sharing how she was able to keep her exit from the show a secret.
Connie find a way to protect the secret
The rumors had been flying that Connie Britton might leave "Nashville," but nobody thought that they would really get rid of the main character.
Connie shared that it wasn't easy to keep it a secret, but she found a way to do it. She had heard the rumors and people were asking her about them. She wanted the fans to have that experience in real-time and see the death of Rayna. Connie didn't want them to know ahead of time that it was going to happen.
She explained that she wanted to do the characters justice. Connie realizes what a great character she got to play by being Rayna James for the last five years. She also explained that she didn't want her character to die, but knew it was the only way to do it. Connie shared her thoughts.
"Trust me, I did not want to die.
I said, ‘Is there any way we could do this without actually dying? That’s so extreme!’ But think about it, Rayna would never leave her family. She would never leave Deacon, she would never leave her daughters, so there really wasn’t any other alternative."
Fans of "Nashville" know that she is right about that and that this was the best way for Connie to leave the show. She has shared that she will be on a few more episodes. It sounds like she will be seen in flashbacks. It was hard for her to leave and it is going to be interesting to see if "Nashville" can go on without her. A lot of fans are saying that they are going to quit watching now, but they may stick around anyway.
Are you still shocked that Connie Britton is leaving "Nashville"?
Do you feel like the show can go on without her? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Nashville" on Thursday nights on CMT. They have already teased that things are going to really change on the show now that Rayna is gone and there is a big fight over who will have custody of her daughters.