Earlier this week, it was reported that "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Phaedra Parks is still legally married to Apollo Nida. It turns out that there were some mistakes in her divorce filing, including the misspelling of her own name, that led a judge to decide that the divorce isn't final after all. Now that they're back to square one, Apollo is pushing for way more money than he was previously given in the divorce settlement.

He claims that Phaedra owes it to him because she hid millions of dollars during the divorce filing but he'll have to prove it if he wants a bigger chunk of change.

Apollo wants more money and custody of his kids

If Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida's divorce wasn't already ugly enough, it's about to get real nasty because Apollo wants a lot more money and he's willing to fight for it. On top of that, Apollo has requested joint physical custody of their two sons when he gets out of prison and Phaedra really isn't going to like that.

Apollo claims that he should get a piece of the couple's multimillion-dollar marital home as well as a piece of the several businesses they owned separately and together during their marriage.

Apparently, last fall Phaedra's divorce filing was automatically granted after Apollo failed to respond to it. Months later, Apollo contested the divorce, claiming that he was never even served divorce papers so he didn't have a chance to respond. Apollo Nida says he didn't even know the divorce was happening until it was reported that Phaedra Parks was telling people she had finalized the divorce from Nida.

The judge rules in Apollo's favor

Apollo Nida was, and is still, serving time in prison for fraud and a handful of other charges related to an illegal auto-loan scheme he was running and if he had been served divorce paperwork, there would have been a record of that with the New Jersey prison where he is housed.

In December 2016, Apollo Nida filed for divorce from Phaedra on his own despite her claiming it had already been done and was complete. It turns out that Apollo's filing is the one that will likely be considered legal and binding since a judge sided with the former "Real Housewives of Atlanta" husband, determining that Phaedra's misspelling on the original filing along with a failure to serve paperwork to Apollo or even allow him to respond was "troubling."

Phaedra Parks is reportedly not very happy about the recent ruling. The "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star is looking for the cheapest and fastest way possible to get Apollo Nida out of her life for good. What she's not trying to do is pay him millions of dollars in order to get out