On Friday night, right-wing social media firebrand Tomi Lahren appeared as a guest on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher." While Lahren handled herself as expected on the show, she was quickly trolled on Twitter and was not happy about it.
Tomi on Twitter
In the age of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, more personalities are able to break through into mainstream culture. Following the candidacy and election of Donald Trump, politics has become a hot topic and is seen as being "cool" again. As time as moved on into 2017, anyone with access to the internet voiced their views, regardless of if they are controversial.
For Tomi Lahren, her strong conservatives opinions and good looks have made her a darling in conservative social media circles, as her show on The Blaze has become a prime destination for Trump supporters. Lahren's notoriety has increased so much that she was a guest on Friday night's "Real Time with Bill Maher," but lashed out on Twitter over the response on February 4.
Over the course of the one hour program, Tomi Lahren was the only Donald Trump supporter on the "Real Time with Bill Maher" panel, and did her best to defend her talking points. Following the show's conclusion, Lahren was met with trolling and backlash on Twitter from those who thought her appearance was less than stellar. "Praying for all of you that have nothing better to do on a Friday night than sit on Twitter and be nasty and rude," Lahren said in response to criticism against her, while adding, "It's sad."
Praying for all of you that have nothing better to do on a Friday night than sit on Twitter and be nasty and rude. It's sad.
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) February 4, 2017
"Starting to catch on to this phenomenon: liberals think everyone hates Trump because liberals only talk to each other....," Tomi Lahren then went on to tweet.
After posting a photo of herself with Bill Maher from after the show, thanking him for inviting her on as a guest, she then went to hit back at one of his comments that he made from earlier in the night.
Starting to catch on to this phenomenon: liberals think everyone hates Trump because liberals only talk to each other....
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) February 4, 2017
Lahren on Maher
"If you hate Tom Brady and The Patriots because of the Trump connection, you might be one of those 'loving' & 'tolerant' liberals," Tomi Lahren wrote on Twitter, in an apparent response to Bill Maher who closed his show lashing out at the New England Patriot's quarterback for supporting the new president.
If you hate Tom Brady and The Patriots because of the Trump connection, you might be one of those "loving" & "tolerant" liberals.
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) February 4, 2017
Next up
Despite the backlash against Tomi Lahren and Donald Trump, it doesn't appear that the right-wing media, nor the White House, will be backing down anytime soon. As the American people continue to clash with one another over their political views, it's unlikely that common ground will be found in the near future.