Plus-size model and photographer silvana denker is flaunting obesity in a new photo series "Metallic Curves." The "Body Love" campaign shows obese nude women body painted in gold. The celebrity encourages embracing big bodies but her method begs questions. Does weight loss prove body confidence too? Can you love yourself and still wish to change some things about you? Is weight loss healthier proof of body love than celebrating obesity?
Two TLC reality TV shows, "My 600-lb Life" and "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" hold answers.
Silvana Denker promotes healthy body love or unhealthy obesity?
It's currently in vogue to praise big bodies as Silvana Denker does. Lliterally, the magazine Vogue has featured plus-sized models and celebrities. TLC Whitney Way Thore of "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" embraces her 400 pounds. The point is to stop the perfect body obsession that drives anorexia, eating disorder mentality, and even plastic surgery. Lady GaGa was body-shamed at the Super Bowl for belly fat. Folks applauded her for baring her imperfect stomach.
Many began to boldy bare their belly fat. But has the trend swung too far the other way? Does mentally healthy body love sanction physically unhealthy bodies?
When is a plus-sized body too big?
The issue with the Silvana Denker "Metallic Curves" and all big body love is: how much is too much? Celebrity fat-shamers ridiculously mocked Lady GaGa for a miniscule tummy roll. But no matter what size, body-shaming is as counterproductive as an eating disorder, says the journal Obesity. Weight bias causes depression, which lowers metabolism, slows weight loss, and can actually lead to Type 2 diabetes. But weight problems can't be ignored, either. Pretty soon it's farewell, fat and fabulous, and hello, bariatric surgery or some other kind of doctor-mandated weight loss.
'My 600-lb Life' disputes, supports Silvana Denker
The TLC reality television show "My 600-lb Life" explores the history and lifestyles of those with morbid obesity. They have little love for their huge bodies. The body love mantra says that they just have to accept themselves as they are and reality television show therapists agree with the first part. Self-acceptance is the key, but not "as they are." Fat acceptance only makes it worse, because the life of a 200-lb (or more) overweight person is misery and shame. Patients call themselves freaks and monsters. They don't love their crippled, bedridden, wheelchair-bound bodies. Gastriic bypass surgery is healthier for them than embracing their weight.