Hey, "Supergirl" peeps. We got a couple of new, official spoiler scoops in from The CW folks for the upcoming episode 14 of season 2, and they sound quite interesting as we're going to see some major drama go down when Mon-El decides to question the hell out of Jeremiah after he just shows back up out of nowhere. Apparently, it's too sudden for him or something.

Alex and Kara are happy as hell

Their press release also delivered up the official title for this installment. They decided to name it: "Homecoming." This , no doubt, is in reference to the Jeremiah Danvers plotline as he has returned.

According to the official description, we're going to see Jeremiah Danvers (guest star Dean Cain) get rescued from Cadmus at some point. This will, of course, cause Kara and Alex to be quite thrilled since their long, lost father is back in their lives.

Big celebration and heavy tensions

Next, we learn that we're going to see the Danvers throw a big family dinner to celebrate Jeremiah's big return. However, what's supposed to be a very happy time of celebration, will turn pretty turbulent due to the suspiciousness of Mon-El. Apparently, he's not going to be so sure that this whole thing is on the up and up, so he will start to throw out a bunch of questions at him about why he has returned so suddenly.

Will Mon-El's suspicions turn out to be correct? Or will it be revealed that he's just being too paranoid? These will be some very interesting questions for this situation. This episode was directed by Larry Teng, and the writing team of Caitlin Parrish & Derek Simon, wrote up the script.

Alright guys. That's all the spoiler dish that CW would offer up this week, so that's going to do it for now.

However, we're expecting to see the CW drop a brand new promo/spoiler clip for episode 14 later tonight after episode 13 finishes up, so be sure to look out for that on the show's official Youtube channel, because it should definitely reveal some extra details that didn't show up in the press release. Speaking of the press release. It also confirms that episode 14 is scheduled to air next Monday night, February 27th, 2017 at 7pm central time on The CW. Stay tuned.