Hey, "NCIS" fans. Yep, it's unfortunately true. We've got another one of the announcements that lets you guys know that your favorite show will certainly be MIA, tonight, meaning that the new episode 17 of this current season 14 won't be airing. Apparently, they're on another one of their breaks again. According to the latest press release from CBS, we're going to have to wait until Tuesday night, March 7th, 2017 to see the new, 17th episode, so be sure to jot that date down on your TV calendars.
They're showing us number 3 all over again
So, here's what CBS has in store for tonight.
According to the latest TV Guide listings, we'll be seeing a rerun of the 3rd episode that aired this season, titled: "Privileged Information." It's the one where a female marine sergeant meets her maker after falling from a freaking building. However, Gibbs is encouraged by her doctor to investigate the case as a homicide. For those of you who have already seen it, you might want to make other plans. If you haven't seen it, this could be your big chance.
New intel for the next one
Alright, so now on to a bit of good news. We did get a an official synopsis press release from CBS for the upcoming episode 17, so we've got a couple of spoiler goodies that we can share with you. First off, it's revealed that they decided to name this one: "What Lies Above." According to the official plot summary, we learn that we're going to see McGee be a very unhappy person, because his freaking apartment is going to get broken into by some crappy robber.
However, this isn't just some regular-type robbery as it's later revealed that these robbers were looking for something ,in particular, that has great value, and it was hidden by a convicted criminal that resided there before McGee. So, yeah. It already sounds quite interesting. Will they get down to the bottom of this big mystery.
If so, how? Those are two big questions for this scenario.
You should go into politics
Lastly, we've got a second storyline reveal that tells us that we'll be seeing Congresswoman, Flemming, trying to see if she can convince Director Vance to take up a career in politics. They didn't reveal if she'll be able to pull off this feat, so we'll have to wait until this thing airs to find that out. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten a new promo clip from CBS yet, so we're still waiting for that at the moment. Stay tuned.