emily ratajkowski is not idly standing by while ‘sources’ claim First Lady Melania Trump once worked as a prostitute. The 25-year-old model shut down ‘slut shamers’ on Twitter Monday as she defended Melania.
Emily posted a series of three tweets describing the experience as a New York Times journalist told her, “Melania is a hooker.” As a self-proclaimed feminist and as someone who describes herself as supporting “women choosing when and how they want to share their sexuality and bodies,” Ratajkowski had some choice words for anyone shaming sex workers— including referring to Mrs. Trump as a "hooker."
Emily Ratajkowski publicly defends the first lady
In her first tweet, Emily stated that politics don’t matter when it comes to calling out slut shaming.
She goes on to state nobody should care about whether or not a woman has taken nude photos, or about their personal sexual history. "Whatever your politics it's crucial to call this out for what it is: slut shaming. I don't care about her nudes or sexual history and no one should."
Emily ends her defense of Melania by stating gender-specific attacks are disgusting and sexist, and with over 8,000 likes on her last tweet, it seems Emily's followers agree. However, it wasn't just Ratajkowski's fans supporting her statements as Melania also publicly thanked Emily for defending women.
Melania Trump takes to Twitter to thank Emily
Melania took to her official First Lady of the United States Twitter account to send a shoutout to Emily for her support. Trump also applauded the model's bravery for standing up for her, even if Emily doesn't agree with her politics. Melania then encouraged all women to support one another as she included several hashtags.
Melania Trump and the rumors
The whole situation started when a site claimed the first lady had previously worked as a part-time escort while Melania blatantly denies the allegations and claims they could damage her business and reputation. Now, Melania and her team are suing the site and a blogger who falsely reported the story.
As for the New York Times writer, the paper released a statement saying its editors discussed the issue with the person in question. However, it doesn't seem there will be any reprimands as the comment was not made with the intention of it going public. “The comment was not intended to be public, but it was nonetheless completely inappropriate and should not have occurred."
Stay tuned for more information as Melania moves forward with her lawsuit.