The Bollywood superstar, Priyanka Chopra, who made her debut in Hollywood with American drama thriller series, Quantico, was recently spotted wearing nerdy glasses as if she wanted to prove - not only the nerdy women wear them, even the stunning beauty can look lovely and intelligent at the same time. When she was snapped on the street with those nerdy specs, this 34-year-old young actress was wearing a high-necked white colored top and a black jacket with zippers embedded at every side of it giving her the look of an action heroine.
Priyanka's attire - A fusion of Indian And Western style
A growing star in the Hollywood film industry, Priyanka gave her gentle pose on Thursday when she was caught in the city of New York. In the ready to go pose with a gorgeous smile on her face, her appearance was a mixture of geek and stunning look. The pride lady was carrying a black purse with her, matching with her blackish jacket and black shoes. Talking about her long skirt, its design depicts the traditional Indian culture as she hails from India. It had a rich pattern of different colors and the way her long dress is split into layers, it adds uniqueness to the whole attire, making her look the most attractive in the night shades of evening time in Big Apple.
The crowned girl is rising high
The lady who grabbed the crown of Miss World in 2000 is already on the rise, making all the headlines of her debut performance in Hollywood and winning People's Choice Award recently. Apart from this, she remains in the news for her style, beauty and makeup as well. Quantico, her first series in Hollywood where she played Alex Parrish, was aired on the ABC where she was appreciated a lot for her acting skills.
Now eagerly awaiting to shine in Baywatch
Spotted on the street, the Quantico woman was looking beautiful in her make up with enhanced lips, high neck shirt and open hair. The busy lady who is going to appear in baywatch as her upcoming project was loosely holding a smartphone along with her purse in her right hand. Now an overseas star, the actress is expecting a boost up in her career with this upcoming movie.
Baywatch has been a very popular TV series in the 90's which is now coming back in the form of a movie and Priyanka is excited to be a part of it. Her fans, both from India and overseas, are equally waiting to see her in her next adventure.