Hi, "This Is Us" peeps. Unfortunately, we have some terrible news to tell you guys. It is, indeed, a fact that your favorite show is not getting the new treatment, tonight, so the upcoming episode 14 of season 1 is going to have to wait for now. We're not really sure why they're skipping over, tonight, because there could be a couple of reasons why. Here's what we do know, with as close to 100 percent accuracy as you can get. Is that you'll be treated to the new episode 14 next Tuesday night, February 7th, 2017 at 8pm central time, so be sure to make note of that, so you don't miss out.
We're getting a re-airing of episode 9 tonight
So, what does NBC have in store for you guys, tonight? Well, according to the official TV Guide listings, we're going to see a repeat of the 9th episode of this season, which is labeled: "The Trip." It's the one where Randall, Kevin and Kate all hit up the family cabin after enduring a chaotic Thanksgiving dinner. There was also a flashback, involving Randall as a child, and we also saw Olivia get quite mean with her comments at one point. If you're a hardcore fan, you most likely caught this episode during its original airing. If you didn't, or heck, just want to watch it again, go ahead and tune in. If not, you'll most certainly want to find something else to watch or do.
New episode 14 spoiler clip time
Alright, so now that the bad news is out of the way, we do have something positive to share. It turns out that NBC did drop the promo/spoiler clip for the new 14th installment, last week. We've embedded it, below, for those of you who haven't gotten a chance to take a look at it yet. It certainly gives us some extra details about what's going to happen to go along with the official press release spoilers, which we wrote about in a separate article.
The episode is titled: "I Call Marriage."
Awkward Toby moment
In the clip, we some happy wedding day footage going down with Jack and Rebecca. In the next scene, Jack is spotted, talking to Rebecca about saying "I do," and what not. Next, we see Randall asking Beth to please keep "die" or "end of life" out of her vocabulary when referring to William,because he's currently alive.
At one point, we see Kevin, talking some very cheesy marriage stuff. After that, we get a scene with Toby and Kate. Kate is very happy to see him when she calls out his name. Then big hugs ensue. The clip caps off with Toby having a very awkward encounter with Kate's recent admirer. Uh oh. There could be a fight brewing in that scene. Be sure to check it out, below, and stay tuned.