Hey, "Chicago Fire" fans. We've got a real intense set of spoiler scoops to share with you guys for the upcoming episode 11 of the current season 5. We got these from the official NBC press release, and it turns out that Dawson is going to have a hard time, keeping her emotions in check during a very emotional situation. Casey will definitely be in an incredibly sticky situation that leaves him with huge consequences to face, and more!

Who will he pick?

They also delivered the title with their press release. It's labeled: "Who Lives and Who Dies." This is a very fitting title that is definitely in reference to the problem that Casey gets faced with. So, you know what? Lets go ahead and start things off with Casey's big dilemma. It turns out that we're going to see him and the rest of his firehouse crew get called to a vicious building fire that has broken out! During their rescue attempt, Casey is going to be put in a situation where he's absolutely forced to have to pick between two victims that need to be saved from meeting their deaths.

They don't reveal what his decision will be , but they definitely point out that some consequences will be headed his way after it's all said and done. What could these consequences be? Did he make the right decision? These are some very important questions for this scenario.

It just gets too intense for her

Next, we've got this Dawson situation. It turns out that she's going to be on an ambo run that involves a teen that's preggers. We're not sure of the exact details that take place during this run, but they did say that whatever it is, it's going to totally cause Dawson to lose it and the ability to keep her emotions under control. No other details about this scene were given, so we'll have to wait and see if she can eventually pull it together, or if she's just going totally give in to her emotions.

A bonding moment

Alright, in this last teaser reveal, we've got a very interesting situation that happens with Anna and Severide. It turns out that these two are going to start to really bond with each other while she starts to recover. It'll be interesting to see how far this bond grows, or if it will continue at all. They don't really say much else about that plotline, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. One other thing. We got confirmation from the press release that this episode will, indeed, be airing next Tuesday night, January 24th,2017 at 9pm central time on NBC. Stay tuned.