The cooking reality show “MasterChef India Season 5” has become one of the most favorite reality shows of the Indian female audience. The show is based on ‘survival of the fittest’ which here means survival of the best cook.

Now there are nine contestants left in the race for the title and last Saturday episode was absorbing as the participants visited the Amul factory in Gujarat. The challenge was on three levels.

Quick food quiz

The teams were divided into two teams and first team A had Anagha, Dinesh, Mirvaan, and Samatha. The second group B had Sadaf, Ashima, Jatin, Kirti, and Siddhartha.

The teams had to play a food quiz and B team lost the game. A team went into a very advantageous challenge of three rounds.

The cheese 'MasterChef India' challenge

The team members played as individuals now and had to invent a new cheese flavor. Samantha created lahsun, vinegar and thyme cheese. Mirvaan invented laung, naraangi, and pudina cheese. Dinesh created dhaniya , hari mirch, and pickled pyaaz cheese and Anagha made Mexican masala cheese. Mirvaan lost the game here, and rest three went to next level.

60 minutes to prepare a new dish in Amul parlor

The contestants were given 60 minutes in the second round to make a dish with their created cheese and got the full access to the Amul parlor.

Anagha made cheese stuffed papusa, spicy chicken with dhania cream.

Dinesh prepared baked soufflé, dhaniya – akhrot crumb with makka salad and Samatha cooked chicken and cheese roulade with salad.

The special advantage

Samantha won the challenge, and she won the special advantage as her name will be mentioned on Amul website with her recipe.

New challenge: boys and girls divided separately into two teams.

In Sunday’s episode, the teams were divided as girls’ team and boys’ team.

Both the teams had to prepare a meal for sports guests in 60 minutes. Samantha lead girls team while Siddharth was captain of boys’ team. Girl’s team won the challenge, and Anagha got Rs 1 lakh cash reward for her drink.

Boys’ team lost the game here and went into elimination round where they needed to copy the dish of guest judge Abhijeet Saha and Sadaf lost the contest.