This week, on a fresh "Young & Hungry," the third season of the Freeform sitcom continues with an episode titled, "Young & Lottery." The show stars, most notably, Emily Osment as Gabi Diamond and this season has been all about her potential relationship with her boss and self-made millionaire., Josh Kaminski, played by actor Jonathan Sadowski. The concept of "Young & Hungry" revolves around Gabi, a chef and foodie, and her challenges as she struggles with juggling the balance of her career and love life, which have inexplicably collided and entangled since her employment as Josh's personal chef.
Josh told Gabi to date again
Because of the advice from Josh, Gabi signed up for the What’s Cooking dating app and she immediately gets 48 men sending her a Hot Pepper, which is like a wink. There are a million men like Josh in the sea, Gabi says to Sofia and Yolanda. Meanwhile, Sofia buys a ticket for the Mega Ball jackpot worth $500 million and plans to win when the numbers are picked. Elliot walks into the kitchen and explains that his husband Alan just lost his lease on the bar and they're about to be in financial ruin.
Gabi goes on the date with Conrad
Just before she goes on her first date, Gabi throws away everything Josh has given her, but stops short of the car, which would be crazy, she tells Sofia.
Conrad shows up and acts creepy right away and when he tells Gabi to put on a jacket, he also comments that it’s the only time he’ll be asking her to put on clothes. Josh continues his therapy, but he doesn’t feel great about Gabi dating because he wants her to be happy, but with him. When the therapist hits on Josh he wakes up and it's revealed the last sequence was a dream.
Meanwhile, Alan asks to redecorate Josh’s office because he doesn’t have a job. Josh admits to Alan he still has feelings for Gabi but he worries he is falling for his therapist. In the end, Josh hires Alan partly out of sympathy.
Gabi's date goes horribly wrong
At Gabi's apartment door, Conrad makes more crude comments and tries to push his way into Gabi’s apartment but she’s disgusted, calls Conrad gross and asks him to leave.
Conrad calls Gabi dumb and she calls him out for not being a real foodie and accuses him of using the foodie dating app just to get a date. When Gabi gets home Sofia, Elliot and Yolanda are jumping up and down because they won the lottery, $500,000 for matching 5 numbers. The lottery ticket was in Sofia’s jean jacket, which Gabi borrowed, but Gabi didn’t come home with the jacket and left it in creepy Conrad's car. Gabi blames the situation on Josh, who made her date again. Gabi relents and calls Conrad to set up a date so she can get the jacket back.
The second date is worse than the first
Conrad shows up to Gabi’s apartment for dinner and Sofia takes his keys to search his car for the jacket and ticket.
Gabi feels stuck with creepy Conrad when Sofia calls and says the jean jacket isn’t in his car. Gabi gets Conrad's address and Sofia and crew go to his apartment to find out that he has dozens and dozens of jean jackets all around his apartment because he sells clothes online. Sofia calls to tell Gabi she has no luck and Conrad pulls out the lottery ticket. At the same time, Josh goes to his therapist and admits he had a sexual dream about her. An emergency call comes in and the therapist must run to the animal hospital because her dog has been hit by a car. Josh and his therapist continue their session at the animal hospital when she breaks into tears. Back at Gabi's apartment, there's a struggle for the winning ticket, and Conrad runs out onto the balcony and gets struck by lightning, destroying the lottery ticket he is holding.
Gabby concludes Josh is her one in a million and decides not to date anymore and wait for him. Meanwhile, Josh kisses his therapist and the scene fades to a shot of Gabi on the couch cuddling with a photo of her and Josh. It seems like the pair is doomed never to be a couple and realize their love.