Hugh Jackman impersonated the Canadian mutant with adamantium-skeleton, sharp nails and self-healing ability for the first time in the 2000 superhero movie X-Men. And then he transformed into the a bit harsh but noble Logan in further four X-Men movies and two separate Wolverine films.

The actor will impersonate the character for the last time once more in 2017 in a yet untitled third Wolverine movie. And despite that he's not able to share anything about the trilogy’s last episode, Hugh Jackmanalways answers questionsabout his most famous role, even if he is on a press tour with one of his other movies.

This happened in relation to Pan, which debuted not a long time ago, when one of DigitalSpy’s journalists asked him about his favourite scene shot as Wolverine.

You would think that the actor would highlight one of his own Wolverine-films or maybe the legendary scene of X-Men 2, when he protects the mutants’ school from the soldiers coming for the unsuspecting children. But Jackman mentioned without thinking X-Men: First Class, in which he can be seen for only twenty seconds in a cameo.

In that really memorable scene, Wolverine sends the two protagonists, Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Magneto (Michael Fassbender) away in his usual low-key style, and it seems like quipping the two big shots was a great pleasure for the actor.

Jackman has also talked lately about who he would like to see as Wolverine after 2017, and in connection with this he was asked what his most important advice was for the successor. The actor emphasized the importance of starting to train in time (six months before the shooting), and in order to prove the advice he shared some secrets about the shooting of the first X-Men.

The star started physical preparations only three weeks before the shooting in 2000, which was of course not enough for picturing Wolverine’s developed physique, so he had to continue building muscles during the shooting as well. If we pay attention we can spot how significant was the change in Jackman’s physique between the different scenes.