"Game of Thrones", quite possibly the biggest television series of all-time, ended its run six months ago. Leading up to and during the final season, passions for the series were likely the strongest they've ever been. From the Super Bowl to Oreos, references to the series could be found just about anywhere. And then the final episodes aired and the understandable rage among fans ensued.

Half a year later, feelings remain raw over how it ended. The conclusion of the series remains a hot topic of debate. For that and other reasons, "Game of Thrones" keeps making headlines, even after it's long ended. Spoilers lie ahead.

Feelings about the ending will probably still be strong years from now

Realistically, there probably was no way the ending would satisfy everybody. Not with a franchise so massive with a fanbase so enthusiastic. But as it turned out, the ending seemed to satisfy absolutely nobody. Perhaps not it's not all that surprising. To quote an iconic line, 'If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.' But even still, there can be limits.

Almost undoubtedly, the conclusion to the story arc for Daenerys Targaryen caused the biggest uproar. It still remains a featured topic in television articles for just about anybody to be moved: Die-hard fans and people who've never seen a single episode alike. But it's difficult to explain to non-"Thrones" viewers how beloved she is for those who were appointment viewers. Children are named after her. People have cited her as their hero. She rose from being a pawn in her brother's schemes to the most powerful person in the world. And ultimately she abruptly went insane, brutally murdered countless people and was killed by the man she loved.

There is also the matter of sexism, no matter how unintended it may have been.

Suddenly, characters all over the place were worried that her mental state, inadvertently partially caused her to go mad. They'd be fine following her for some time until a viable male heir was revealed. Then her family's history of mental instability became too great of a risk and the man needed to rule. Even though the male heir was of the same bloodline and theoretically posed the same risks.

Actress Emilia Clarke hasn't been shy about her disappointment. The topic was still frequently brought up as she made the press tour promoting her movie "Last Christmas". HBO released a video of Clarke and her co-star and close friend Kit Harington's reactions to Daenerys' end. It went viral and broke hearts.

Clarke hasn't been the only cast member to express dismay in varying degrees on the ending. Nevertheless, some have also backed off a bit to defend the show's creators. Actor Conleth Hill was openly critical about the series' conclusion. He also appeared visibly angry after finding out what ultimately happened to his character Varys. Then he tried to claim backlash to the ending was made up by the media. Even the president of HBO shot down that theory.

But while Daenerys' end might be the most explosive, it is by far not the only point of contention. At varying times as the show neared its end, things happened that enraged loyal fans. A popular romantic pairing turned out to be aunt and nephew.

Another was ended when one half abruptly rejected the other for a toxic incestuous relationship with his sister. One of the most anticipated episodes of the series was lit so darkly that many couldn't actually see it even if they changed the setting on their television or other devices. One of the iconic dragons was unceremoniously done away with despite their fearsome and almost unstoppable history. A character who appeared to do hardly anything somehow became the new king. Supposedly, he had the 'best story,' something that nobody else seems to agree with. The fact that he couldn't have children was bizarrely also a bonus.

The list could go on. But in any event, strong feelings don't seem to be going away anytime soon.

The spring of 2019 turned out to be a tough time. Arguably the two most iconic franchises of the 2010s came to a conclusion. At least in some way. "Game of Thrones" loyalists and Marvel die-hards can easily debate about which polarizing ending hit harder.

The franchise continues

The franchise that "Game of Thrones" belongs to is by no means gone. "A Song of Fire and Ice," the book series that the TV show was based on, is still ongoing. The Daily Express reported on November 18, that author George R.R. Martin plans on major differences from the show's ending.

And there is at least one prequel series coming. As PopCulture.com notes, others have been proposed, but aren't currently going forward. Actress Gwendoline Christie also mentioned the possibility of an eventual "Game of Thrones" reunion that could soothe unhappy fans. Many probably hope that's true.