Omarosa Manigault-Newman is an American reality television show participant. She is a former political aide to the president but better known as one of the contestants in the reality show "The Apprentice". Omarosa has been accused by the White House of having broken her secrecy agreement by making certain bits of news. They have also announced that an arbitration action will be filed against the former aide for this offense. Fox News has now reported that the issue is not dying away though many days have elapsed and it has erupted on Twitter and other social media sites with both taking swipes at each other.

An acrimonious debate has commenced on Twitter.

Secrecy clause

Trump is campaigning to silence the lady but she has declared that she will not keep quiet and won't be silenced. She told AP in an interview that she will definitely tell her story and will not be intimidated. However, she does appear to be a bit rattled as she has declined to answer any questions about her stay as an aide to the president, citing the secrecy clause. The lady is strong-willed and despite the statement by the White House on the secrecy clause has continued her tirade against Trump. Time reported that she even went to the extent of stating that he is "unfit" to be the president. This is not all and the New York Times reported that Trump has hit back by referring to Omarosa as a "dog".

Attacks on Trump by former aides and associates appear to be on the rise. One cannot recollect any other president being so attacked on social media and in books before Trump.


Trump has led a checkered life and is known for strong opinions like sending a message congratulating Putin. This is one of his traits that is loved by his supporters even as his opponents find them distasteful.

The entire problem is that Trump beat Hillary Clinton, which he was not expected to do and since then the fat has been in the fire with the Russian connection coming up and allegations by CIA chief Comey who wrote a book. Plus others are also attacking Trump. The latest is Omarosa who was also associated with Trump. Her reference to Trump as a racist really do not hold water, as after all, he did select her to work for him.


It is possible that after she was fired from the White House, the lady thought to sensationalize her sacking by giving out titillating news about Trump and the goings on in the White House to get some sort of celebrity status: maybe even roll in dollars with her book.

The book has already generated a lot of interest even before it has hit the stands. As far as the White House is concerned, Omarosa has violated the code of secrecy as per the agreement that she had signed but this code applies to secret and official information. One wonders how the White House will connect this to her revelations.