A lot of us love to read novels. These books have become a world where we can bury ourselves and get entertained, informed and educated. Having read well over 800 novels, here are five I recommend for any novel lover to pick up. They are some of the very best books that, in my opinion, have graced this planet. Here they are in no particular order.

1. 'Codex Alera' - Jim Butcher

Jim Butcher created a bubbling and intriguing fictional realm called Alera -- and through it, delivered a great story. The book, which centers on the rather inspiring story of Tavi, abounds in political undertones, well-described sword-fight episodes, treachery, and colorful, magical elements in the form of furies (elemental spirits of earth, water, fire, air, metal and wood). The assortment of different races such as The Alerans, The Vords and The Canims, with their colorful traditions, make the book a treat. "Codex Alera" is a fantasy come true that's well worth the read.

2. 'Jurassic Park' - Michael Crichton

Scientific experiment gone sour. The science fiction novel -- which revolves around genetically-engineered dinosaurs on display in an amusement park “going rogue" -- will leave you breathless. The story leads up to paleontologist Alan Grant and a group of children getting stuck on a biological preserve with genetically-engineered, bloodthirsty dinosaurs, and was described by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt in a review for New York Times as "a superior specimen of the Frankenstein myth.”

3. 'Magister Trilogy' - Celia S. Friedman

Welcome to a world of high fantasy, full of vampire-like magical powers (only they are much cooler than vampires), treachery, war, sorcery and dragon-like creatures of very evil and horrible power.

The book revolves around a woman thriving in a man’s world and then going ahead to save it. "Magister Trilogy" is fantasy at its finest.

4. 'The Da Vinci Code' - Dan Brown

Dan Brown writes a suspense-filled, intriguing and colorful alternative to history. This book is perfect for you if you love historical facts and theories and are a fan of breaking codes and decoding symbols.

5. 'Six Of Crows' - Leigh Bardugo

A fantasy novel which is set in the Amsterdam-inspired city of Ketterdam, it is fast-paced and intriguing. "Six Of Crows" and its sequel -- "Crooked Kingdom" -- tell the very interesting story of Kaz Brekker and his gang as they attempt to do the impossible --twice.

Other awesome books you can pick up include:

  • "Wheel Of Time" – Robert Jordan (James Oliver Rigney)
  • "Malazan Book Of The Fallen" – Steven Erikson
  • "Angels and Demons" – Dan Brown
  • "Redeeming Love" – Francine Rivers