They come any way they can, over the southern border, because the wall isn’t built yet. Some risk their lives at sea in rubber rafts, or if they get lucky, the can even fly in. Trailer loads of dead bodies have been discovered from those who would be illegal immigrants. Nobody has been stopping them, Democrats welcome them with open arms, giving them whatever they want but at a huge cost to natural Americans, those who were born here.

democrats want immigrant votes eventually in return, by showing they are the good guys. The stupid comment by leading Democrats states, "don’t send them back until they commit a crime." Coming to this country, as an illegal is a crime.

The right to survive but not steal and kill

Everyone has the right to survive from war-torn countries, it certainly is a human tragedy, but not to kill another human to get what they want. They want the American dream, but some hate the American dream. Some killed American citizens because they support radicalized Islam, and are looking to rid the world of "infidel's." We don’t know one from the other until the bad ones steal our planes and knock down our buildings.

All of them need to be vetted before they touch our land. They are given free education, medical care, and jobs even though they are illegal immigrants. American citizens can’t afford college or medical, but these individuals get it for free. I don’t think so. For some reason beyond my understanding, veterans and senior citizens are neglected to take care of illegals. Hillary’s election loss was traumatic, now Democrats are desperate to get votes from any place. Many of these immigrant’s demand that their customs and laws, like Sharia law, be adopted by America. Hey, excuse me, your laws failed there why would they work here? America banned Sharia law many years ago.

I, like many others, think these immigrants want to change America because of the creed of the Islamic, 'to conquer the world.'

The destruction of America

President Obama encouraged this immigration by giving away the country, he apparently hates it and brought in those who would destroy the very fabric of what it was born on. And quite frankly, it is already known that George Soros, the powerful billionaire, is behind it all. He intends to destroy many countries, especially the United States of America. He has sponsored rioters in many parts of our country, had them block freeways and destroy property to weaken the economy. How many of these rioters are actually illegal immigrants?

Travel ban

President Trump, on behalf of most of Americans, wants the influx of illegals stopped.

Some have blended with the poor people to bring destruction to our country like a Trojan Horse. A travel ban should be imposed to sort out the mess and send back those with criminal records or intention. Once the matter is settled, immigrants should be registered and allowed to get a job and work for an education like everybody else in the country, after all, our grandparents were immigrants decades ago.