The popularity of podcasts is on the rise. With many of us spending more time on our commutes, they are an easy and relaxing way for us to unwind at the end of a long day. Listening to just the right podcast can really clear your head and give you something to look forward to on that Monday when all you want to do is go back to bed! There are many types of podcasts from true crime to comedy.

Here are just a few of the best, funniest, scariest, and amazing podcast that you should be listening to.

'My dad wrote a'

I was turned onto this podcast when a friend at work told me to give it a listen. I was not expecting what I got! Three British comedians and writers got together to create a podcast about one of their fathers writing an adult novella and self-publishing it. Comedian Jamie Morton reads the chapters of his father's book, "Belinda Blinked," and his friends, Alice Levine and James Cooper, give hilarious commentary while doing so. The popularity of this podcast has motivated Rocky Flintstone, the author, to write at least two more books in the series.There is also Belinda merchandise and fan fiction.

If you are ready to laugh out loud, this podcast should be in your rotation.


The popularity of Lore has sparked an Amazon television show and it continues to grow. Aaron Mahnke's hit podcast about urban legends, unusual creatures, and places, and the darkest sides of history is one that you should be listening to. If you love the chills that you get from horror films, you will really enjoy this podcast. There are some great historic tales that Mahnke shares that will have you on the edge of your seat. There are currently 75 episodes, but if you can't get enough, season one of the show is on Amazon now.

'The Nerdist'

Comedian Chris Hardwick has been in the business for decades and what new listeners of the Nerdist don't know is that this podcast has been on for many Years as well.

It is in the top 100 on and just continues to grow in popularity. The podcasts feature celebrities that sit down with Chris, Matt Mira, and Jonah Ray to talk about comics, movies, television, and pop culture. Not only is the Nerdist hilarious, but it is also interesting because you feel as if you get to know these celebrities on another level.

'Stuff you should know'

If you are constantly wanting to learn about new things, this is the right podcast for you! Hosted by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant, Stuff you should know features some of the best educational information and also entertains you with each listen. The latest episode focuses on SPAM and how it came to be a popular, canned meat and why it can last forever.

Other episodes have focused on topics such as the Simpsons and how internships actually work. If you like an educational conversation, you will truly enjoy this podcast.

There is an entire world filled with podcasts that can spark inspiration in you too. Even popular television shows are thinking about adding podcasts to their weekly lineup. Do your own searching around for the ones that are best for you. You will be very pleased with what you find.