Together with freedom, love is the highest of achievements. These two are the values that most lead to good. Love that is universal can be found in everyone. We can freely determine what will rule our minds and hearts. Freedom is the power to make choices. Love is grace that comes from seeking love. Life’s mission is to share freedom and love.
Messages can spread the power of love. Our tweets and texts can speak nonviolence. Our peaceful words can speak democracy. Tolerance will rule if we say so.
Public messages are the new force in the world
Messaging is central to all change.
We cannot approach this passively. We may be angered when power is misused. We can prevail despite all obstacles.
Manipulation is the weapon of the weak. False advertising is the method of the false. With Open Eyes and minds, we can state the truth. Good values are imbued with wondrous power. Freedom love and justice conquer all.
The arc of history
Good prevails and the positive does not recede. Speed bumps are there but we still win the race. Cynicism dies before the bright light. Backbiting bites itself when it’s exposed. Lies turn to bile before an honest eye.
We marshal will and bend it to the justice that we seek. We follow in the way of Martin Luther King.
Messaging can open eyes to inner truth
Each person has a story they can tell. If wrong held sway, then write of conquering. If cruelty exists, don’t hide the truth. Each one knows things that others need to hear. It is in telling stories that one find’s one’s voice.
Pass on what works. Spread what upbuilds, aim to inspire. Share thoughts you hear that resonate.
Become a beacon, not a dampener. Broadcast the stories that encourage harried souls. Create thoughts that uplift those who are down. These are the principles of messaging.
A sharing world
Share causes that can become winning ways. Do research on what works and what does not. Call evil by its name when it does harm. Share everything that works to make life good.
Tell of successes. Speak of lessons learned.
Person to person sharing is the way.
Experience is gold
I learned democracy in the civil rights movement. I learned tolerance on Twitter. I learned help when lost in pitch dark once. I learned to love from others who loved me.
There is no life that is not interesting. Everything in life warrants a tale. We hear a lot about finding a niche. The mirror holds as much niche as we need.
Choose universal values
Basic values are what matter, values that apply to all situations.
Kosovo Gay Community Hold 1st Pride Parade
— Stephen C. Rose (@stephencrose) October 10, 2017
Choose love and learn the ways love works. Choose freedom and insist it’s within all. Champion tolerance, help, and democracy. The past has no more power to hold us back. We have the power to love and to be free.