The names of high-profile personalities that come to mind lately when learning of accusations of inappropriate sexual advances include Casey Affleck, John Besh, Mark Halperin, Bill O’Reilly, R. Kelly, Pete Rose, Chris Savino, and Harvey Weinstein. The latest name to be added to the list of those accused of pushing themselves on others is two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey.
Spacey joined the ranks of accused sexual harassers when 46-year-old “Star Trek” actor Anthony Rapp disclosed in an interview with Buzzfeed, published on October 29, that he was only 14-years-old when then-26-year-old Spacey made unwanted sexual advances.
Rapp recounted having been invited to a party that Spacey was hosting at his apartment in New York. Rapp was the only teen at the party, was bored, and went to the bedroom, sat on the bed, watched TV, and fell asleep at some point.
When Rapp awoke, he saw Spacey standing in the bedroom at the door. Rapp stated that he thought the actor was drunk. He was certain that Spacey was making sexual advances toward him. In the years that followed, and while getting older and also wiser, Rapp told Buzzfeed, “I feel very fortunate that something worse didn't happen.”
Hitting on a teenager worse than a drunken episode
How terribly sad for Rapp that such an experience affected his life in a way that he felt the burden so many who are victimized end up feeling.
The “what if” questions can and often do haunt people who were put in similar, traumatic situations.
It wasn’t merely a drunken episode that Spacey tweeted he “honestly” does not remember. The event was attempted sexual activity with a minor-age male that has remained with Spacey’s target for approximately three decades.
Actor tweeted dubious apology to target of unwanted advances
The “House of Cards” actor offered a dubious apology on Twitter. “I am sorry,” Spacey tweeted, “for the feelings [Rapp] describes he carried with him all these years,” the Independent (UK) noted. Such a statement lacks sincerity and totally minimizes responsibility that belongs to the actor, Spacey.
Again, “what if” comes to mind. If Rapp had not been able to “squirm” away, as he told Buzzfeed, would the man who made the unwanted advances have stopped himself?
Spacey’s tweet is endemic with erroneous beliefs and expressions thrust on victims, blamed for how they dress, faulted for what they state, and accused of provoking. A more truthful tweet would have read: “I am sorry you felt that way,” which is how the wording actually comes across. If genuinely remorseful, a tweet would have noted, for instance, “I am sorry I acted that way.”
Actor can’t fall on poor timing in disclosing orientation
That Spacey saw an opportunity to address his sexual orientation simultaneous to acknowledging the disclosure Rapp courageously relayed to Buzzfeed is appalling.
He’s an award-winning actor. He can’t claim poor timing. It was a failed attempt to skirt the issue that makes so many squirm: an adult’s attempt to have a sexual encounter with a minor.
Not only have actors and celebrities seen through the effect of Spacey stating “I was drunk and I’m gay,” so, too, have scores of people on social media – also quick to respond and say, no way is that a way to explain advancing on a teenager.
The Washington Post interpreted how thousands of people are reading Spacey’s disclosure. It strikes as, “I’m gay” and “Good God, do I really have to explain why this is terrible?” In addition, two tweets that should hit a nerve for Spacey were by Wanda Sykes and Lance Bass.
‘Being gay’ does not equate with pedophilia
Sykes tweeted that Spacey does not ‘get to ‘choose’ to hide under the rainbow!” And, Bass tweeted to Spacey, “Being gay should never be equated with sexual assault or pedophilia. Thanks for giving the homophobes more ammo.”
The fallout has been swift. Netflix is canceling “House of Cards,” stating that the accusation of Sexual Harassment allegedly committed by Spacey is “deeply troubling.” Additionally, the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has rescinded garnering Spacey with the 2017 International Emmy Founders Award as a direct effect of Rapp’s courageous revelations.
“The International Academy has announced today that in light of recent events it will not honor Kevin Spacey with the 2017 International Emmy Founders Award,’ the Standard (UK) reported.
What is not being said about abusers and harassers is problematic
A great many people have expressed how they feel about abusers and harassers. It’s what people aren’t saying that is both puzzling and problematic. There have been hints by public figures and celebrities, such as Corey Feldman, that the names known, so far, are the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Let’s face it: Seth McFarlane knew about Spacey, which is evident in a 2005 scene from “Family Guy.” A snippet from the animated program is circulating on Twitter and Facebook that depicts baby Stewie running through a public setting and yelling, “I've escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement!
Help me!"
Ideal time to make names known is now, stop victimization
If now is not the ideal time to make the names of those who harass, assault, or attack others known: When is the time? After more people have been victimized? No one has $10 million to the front for a film before alleged pedophiles and other deviants are prevented from having a steady stream of males and females to potentially hurt.
Those who know something that can help stop the victimization should feel a tug of conscience to do something constructive with the information. Disclose to the proper authorities – law enforcement, professional associations, or governing bodies.
If someone knows something, then say something. People do not want to support those who target others for predation. There is no viable excuse for remaining silent, which perpetuates victimization. Those who know but say nothing are protecting the wrong people.