The career of Jon Bones Jones should have been one of the great fighting careers of all time. I do not care if you are fighting forest fires or people. I do not care if you are in karate, MMA, or boxing. This guy should have been one of the best ever, but he has been constantly derailed by substance abuse problems that appear to go unchecked. He just does not care about his image, and in so doing, he has not cared about his career or his legacy. He could have been like Ali, but instead, he is a cautionary tale.

The fights

This guy is clearly one of the best fighters we have ever seen, but he does not have the hardware to back it up.

He has not been able to fight consistently because of his rampant drug use, and we can see that he is not willing to walk the straight and narrow just for a fight. He failed a Drug Test after his last win, and that might be the end of the line for him because he continues to disappointment everyone in the sport. He was a top contender, Dana White gave him a chance, and it still backfired. It should have been a triumphant return, but it turned out to be that Jones was doing what he had always done. He cut out the hearts of fighting fans.

Dana White is right

I am not a fan of Dana White and his schtick know. He is very good at it, but I do not want to listen to it. He sounds like he is trying too hard sometimes, but the schitck works as part of the fight game.

I cannot complain about that. However, he is right to come out and say that Jones has been a disappointment. Tell me how he could possibly be wrong about this. Dana White has done everything he could ever do to make MMA as fair as possible, and he tries to get the right people in the right fights. He gives Jones a fight, and Jones fails the drug test.

White's plans have been upended by Jones so many times that it is a wonder Jones could fight at all. I would honestly not be surprised if Dana White threatened everyone who sanctions fights to not let Jones fight. It could have been Saul in a back alley. White would be right in making sure Jones does not ruin someone else's circuit.

Can he get another chance?

I suppose it is possible that Dana White is saying this so that Jones will be motivated to come back and fight well again. I honestly do not know if that is what he is doing, but it might work. He might be able to make some more money on a fight, and Jones might actually pass the drug test for it this time. That would be the only way to get the best fighter we might have seen in the octagon.