Hello Thursday, you’re finally here! Hey, Leo here’s to a fabulous day filled with smiles and hugs all around. Your birthday between July 23rd and August 22nd makes you a risk taker--confident and calculating in your moves. Today’s daily Lovescope for Leo tells you to adopt a different approach when looking for love.

What to expect

Singles: You’re accustomed to roaring your way through life Leo, potentially scaring off the competition in your eagerness to claim Mr.

or Miss Right. Did you ever consider, however, that your boldness may be scaring away your prospects? Instead, try taking a more philosophical and relaxed attitude, and you’ll be surprised at how things turn around for you. Stop looking at people and things under a microscopic view. When it comes to love, enjoy a bird's-eye view of things for the moment and adopt a new perspective on things.

Someone's going to need a hand today, and your hand is just right. Just accept that there are certain things you're simply brilliant at and what are friends for? Swallow your ego and help your pal out. You’re leaving no stone unturned today in your pursuit of answers and finding your special someone.

The stars have given you boundless energy so don’t despair, persistence usually wins the game of love.

Couples: Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Did you and your honey have a tiff and he/she is nowhere to be found? They just need some space, and perhaps you do too. Decide whether this relationship is right for you, whether you’re happy and the other person is really putting in the effort. Life is too short to be unhappy and remember, there's a whole new world out there waiting for your next move so make it a meaningful one.

Take the lead and awaken your partner's feeble passion today otherwise you’ll spend the rest of it being monotonous. Those of the second decade can get exactly what they want with a come hither look.

If your Ascendant is Aquarius, tonight you can look forward to great sexual harmony with a disinhibited partner.

How to get through your day

For those looking for love: You could finally get what you’ve been looking for in the realm of romance Leo. Chances of a friendship taking the shape of romantic relationship today are high. You still need, however, to understand the feelings of the other person so be very clear and open about what you both want.

For those already in a relationship: You're raring to go, and the plan you've got for the two of you is clearly the best one -- but slow down a minute and let your sweetie catch up. A few minutes alone together gets you both ready for the next big thing.

If you're getting healthy, that's just perfect. If you want your baby to get healthier, you're right there too. But sometimes, you need to lead by example--it’s most convincing.

That’s a wrap for today’s daily Lovescope for Leo. Blessings for a bright and happy Thursday and we look forward to you checking us out tomorrow for more insight.