Welcome to a really promising Tuesday Gemini. Remember why it’s important to have H.O.P.E. Hold On, Pain Ends. Your gifted astrologer Megan Wilson has consulted the stars on your behalf and has prepared an exciting report for you. Let’s take a look at your daily horoscope for Gemini. :

What to expect

Do you really need to borrow money today Gemini? Yes, you’ve been wanting to treat yourself for a while, but can’t seem to find the funds that would allow you to do it. The stars refute that notion entirely though and say that had you been saving your money wisely all along, you’d have more than enough to buy that pretty little trinket.

Priorities Gemini, you’ve got to set them right today along with your mindset. You’re likely to find that you actually don’t want to be owing anyone, especially a friend if you can’t pay back on time. Suck it up today and do without, you’ll live.

You have been a bit distracted from your partner and he/she trying to keep things calm, is not saying anything. Sometimes, silence can be golden, but other times, it’s dangerous. Today is such a scenario where they’re thinking that if you don’t love them anymore, they’ll need to find someone else. This is not what you want Gemini! Put aside some time today to surprise them with flowers, candy or a surprise lunch. The more personal effort, the better.

Play it cool and let them know about the plans you’ve made for the weekend. It doesn’t have to be lavish, just sweet and intimate. Most importantly, reiterate to them that they are super special and every day you’re reminded of just how lucky you are. You’ll have them eating out of your hand in no time.

An old flame makes his/her way back into your life today Gemini and while you’ve been consciously looking for your soulmate, this just won’t be it.

If you’re looking for a good time though, here it is! Small distractions are good for your mind sometimes, so use this time to enjoy the best of life and be positive towards what’s coming your way. Play sport, read or visit old friends today. They’ll cheer you up when you realize how highly loved and appreciated you really are.

How to get through your day

Your short temper today Gemini, may get you into some hot water and possibly, even end a relationship, so watch it! Your anger is being triggered by insecurity which, although not too evident to others, is always bubbling beneath the surface. You see one thing, your mind tells you another. Today, put your doubts to rest and simply believe that things are actually working in your favor.

That’s a wrap for today’s daily horoscope for Gemini. We hope you have found it useful and will return soon for more insight into your Daily life. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday and don’t forget to share your reading with others on social media.